@article{fdi:010071556, title = {{A}ssessment of kite born {DEM} accuracy for gullies measuring}, author = {{E}l {M}aaoui, {M}.{A}. and {F}eurer, {D}enis and {P}lanchon, {O}livier and {B}oussema, {M}.{R}. and {S}nane, {M}.{H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {T}unisian semi-arid areas, human pressure, torrential rains and low vegetation cover are the essential factors of gully erosion. {I}n these areas, gullies naturally exhibit complex morphologies. {H}ence they are difficult to measure. {T}his type of erosion, in its most severe form, threatens cultivated lands by the extension of badlands as well as water resources by water reservoir sedimentation. {F}or a long time, the objective of most gully erosion studies was the morphological characterization of the gullies in order to properly understand erosion processes. {G}radually, the technological advancement in sensors and platforms for aerial image acquisition made it possible to achieve more detailed mapping of gullies. {D}uring the last decade, low altitude aerial platforms have experienced the strongest development in acquiring high-resolution aerial photographs and generating associated digital elevation models ({DEM}s), in particular with the rise of structure from motion algorithms use in geosciences. {S}uch {DEM}s meet the need for mapping at the sub-meter scale as well as the capability of studying the gullies in three dimensions. {I}n previous studies, a {DEM} and the corresponding orthophotography were produced at very high resolution (6.2 cm for the {DEM}, 3.1 cm for the orthophotography). {T}he 3{D} reconstruction was performed from overlapping images taken from a consumer grade camera hung down a kite. {S}uch experiments, producing unusual aerial datasets, are poorly reviewed in the literature. {T}herefore, the objective of this paper is to assess the accuracy of such {DEM}s obtained from overlapping aerial photographs taken from kite platforms.}, keywords = {{SOL} {CULTIVE} ; {EROSION} {HYDRIQUE} ; {RESOLUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {ANALYSE} {D}'{IMAGE} ; {ALTIMETRIE} ; {TOPOGRAPHIE} ; {RAVINE} ; {IMAGE} {HAUTE} {RESOLUTION} ; {TUNISIE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {R}esearch in {E}nvironment and {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {3}, numero = {art. no 112}, pages = {118--124}, ISSN = {2356-5799}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071556}, }