@article{fdi:010071544, title = {{C}hemical and biological pretreatments on sugarcane bagasse to enhance its enzymatic hydrolysis}, author = {{H}ernandez, {C}.{A}. and {Z}iarelli, {F}. and {G}aime, {I}sabelle and {F}arnet da {S}ilva, {A}.{M}. and {G}arcia, {G}. and {G}arcia-{P}erez, {J}.{A}. and {G}uttierez-{R}iviera, {B}. and {A}larcon, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lkaline and biological lignocellulose pre-treatments are commonly used to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis and improve ethanol production. {I}n this study, {C}-13 {CPMASNMR} spectroscopy was used to describe changes in sugarcane bagasse ({SCB}) pre-treated with {N}a{OH}, {C}a({OH})(2) and with {P}ycnoporus sanguineus. {C}hanges in the contents of alkyl {C}, {C}arboxyl {C}, {A}romatic {C} (tertiary, quaternary and p-hydroxyphenyl {C}), {O}-alkyl {C}, amino acids, ergosterol and chitin, as well as in the crystallinity index of cellulose were observed. {T}hrough a multivariate analysis, relations between changes in the chemical composition of {SCB} and enzymatic hydrolysis were established. {P}. sanguineus promotes better lignin decay, glucose release and hydrolysis yields than chemical pre-treatments, and increases the amount of amino acids and ergosterol in {SCB}, while {N}a{OH} increases the cellulose crystallinity index. {T}he hydrolysates were fermented with {S}accharomyces cerevisiae for 96h, and analysed through {HPLC}. {T}he initial composition of the hydrolysates [mg.ml(-1)] and biomass production (cells.ml(-1)) were then related to the ethanol production and fermentation yields. {W}e found that ethanol production and fermentation yields were negatively correlated with cell growth in {S}accharomyces, but positively correlated with glucose consumption in the {P}. sanguineus pre-treatment. {W}e conclude that the biological pre-treatment using {P}. sanguineus in the conditions hereby described, has a potential to increase ethanol productivity.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemistry{S}elect}, volume = {2}, numero = {15}, pages = {4213--4218}, ISSN = {2365-6549}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1002/slct.201700425}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071544}, }