@techreport{fdi:010071520, title = {{G}lobal database and common toolbox for tuna fisheries}, author = {{T}aconet, {P}aul and {C}hassot, {E}mmanuel and {G}uitton, {J}. and {P}alma, {C}. and {F}oirellato, {F}. and {A}nello, {E}. and {B}arde, {J}ulien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ssessing the status of tuna and tuna-like populations for providing management advice requires the analysis of multiple data sets collected by the {C}ontracting {P}arties and {C}ooperating non-contracting parties of {T}una {R}egional {F}isheries {M}anagement {O}rganizations (t{RFMO}s) {C}onventions. {D}ata on the magnitude and composition of landings, discards, and fishing effort are currently managed at basin scale by the {S}ecretariats of the t{RFMO}s. {W}e have developed a global harmonized database for tuna fisheries data by collating the public domain datasets from {ICCAT}, {IOTC}, {IATTC} and {WCPFC}. {T}he database covers the period 1919-2014 and is freely accessible online along with a set of open source codes to handle the data. {O}ur objective is to propose services to format and exchange tuna fisheries data and indicators, and promote standards for metadata and data formats to facilitate their through web-based tools. {A}mong others, the expected benefits of the project are the promotion of communication towards t{RFMO}s and their member {S}tates as well as to the general public and the increase of transparency and accessibility to fisheries data sets, indicators, underlying codes, and related expertise.}, keywords = {{PECHE} {THONIERE} ; {GESTION} {DES} {PECHES} ; {DONNEES} {STATISTIQUES} ; {BASE} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {METADONNEES} ; {JEU} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {OPEN} {DATA}}, address = {{M}adrid}, publisher = {{ICCAT}}, series = {{R}ecueil de {D}ocuments {S}cientifiques - {ICCAT}}, pages = {3327-3337}, year = {2017}, ISSN = {1021-5212}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071520}, }