@article{fdi:010071491, title = {{C}ontribution to the knowledge of {S}aprinus {E}richson, 1834 of forensic relevance from {L}ebanon ({C}oleoptera, {H}isteridae)}, author = {{S}hayya, {S}. and {D}egallier, {N}icolas and {N}el, {A}. and {A}zar, {D}. and {L}ackner, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}any histerid beetles are necrophilous on carrion during both active and advanced stages of decomposition. {I}n this study, 13 species of {S}aprinus were recorded on carrion from {L}ebanon, containing eight that are new for the {L}ebanese fauna. {T}he following {S}aprinus species are newly recorded from {L}ebanon: 1) {S}aprinus ({S}.) caerulescens caerulescens ({H}offmann, 1803); 2) {S}. ({S}.) calatravensis {F}uente, 1899; 3) {S}. ({S}.) chalcites ({I}lliger, 1807); 4) {S}. ({S}.) godet ({B}rulle', 1832); 5) {S}. ({S}.) maculatus ({P}. {R}ossi, 1792); 6) {S}. ({S}.) strigil {M}arseul, 1855; 7) {S}. ({S}.) submarginatus {J}. {S}ahlberg, 1913; and 8) {S}. ({S}.) tenuistrius sparsutus {S}olsky, 1876. {T}he peak activity was recorded, key for the species is provided, and habitus images and male genitalia are illustrated in order to facilitate their taxonomic identifications. {S}aprinus species are diverse and common on animal carcass; they were likewise collected from a human cadaver in {L}ebanon. {P}reliminary comments on biology and distribution of the studied species are given. {O}ur paper represents the first faunistic study on {H}isteridae from {L}ebanon. {A} rigorous research program regarding the biology of {S}aprinus in {L}ebanon and the neighbouring countries would greatly improve the knowledge of the diversity, activity, and possible forensic value of {S}aprinus.}, keywords = {{ENTOMOLOGIE} {GENERALE} ; {INSECTE} ; {TAXONOMIE} ; {REPARTITION} {GEOGRAPHIQUE} ; {BIOLOGIE} ; {LIBAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}oo{K}eys}, volume = {738}, numero = {}, pages = {117--152}, ISSN = {1313-2989}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071491}, }