@article{fdi:010071397, title = {{G}eneralization of the {Q}({ST}) framework in hierarchically structured populations : impacts of inbreeding and dominance}, author = {{C}ubry, {P}hilippe and {S}cotti, {I}. and {O}ddou-{M}uratorio, {S}. and {L}efevre, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Q}({ST}) is a differentiation parameter based on the decomposition of the genetic variance of a trait. {I}n the case of additive inheritance and absence of selection, it is analogous to the genic differentiation measured on individual loci, {F}-{ST}. {T}hus, {Q}({ST})-{F}-{ST} comparison is used to infer selection: selective divergence when {Q}({ST})>{F}-{ST}, or convergence when {Q}({ST})<{F}-{ST}. {T}he definition of {Q}-statistics was extended to two-level hierarchical population structures with {H}ardy-{W}einberg equilibrium. {H}ere, we generalize the {Q}-statistics framework to any hierarchical population structure. {F}irst, we developed the analytical definition of hierarchical {Q}-statistics for populations not at {H}ardy-{W}einberg equilibrium. {W}e show that the {Q}-statistics values obtained with the {H}ardy-{W}einberg definition are lower than their corresponding {F}-statistics when {F}-{IS}>0 (higher when {F}-{IS}<0). {T}hen, we used an island model simulation approach to investigate the impact of inbreeding and dominance on the {Q}({ST})-{F}-{ST} framework in a hierarchical population structure. {W}e show that, while differentiation at the lower hierarchical level ({Q}({SR})) is a monotonic function of migration, differentiation at the upper level ({Q}({RT})) is not. {I}n the case of additive inheritance, we show that inbreeding inflates the variance of {Q}({RT}), which can increase the frequency of {Q}({RT})>{F}-{RT} cases. {W}e also show that dominance drastically reduces {Q}-statistics below {F}-statistics for any level of the hierarchy. {T}herefore, high values of {Q}-statistics are good indicators of selection, but low values are not in the case of dominance.}, keywords = {hierarchical {F}-statistics ; hierarchical {Q}-statistics ; quantitative ; genetics}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {E}cology {R}esources}, volume = {17}, numero = {6}, pages = {e76--e83}, ISSN = {1755-098{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/1755-0998.12693}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071397}, }