@article{fdi:010071393, title = {{I}nvasive rats strengthen predation pressure on bird eggs in a {S}outh {P}acific island rainforest}, author = {{D}uron, {Q}. and {B}ourguet, {E}. and {D}e {M}eringo, {H}. and {M}illon, {A}. and {V}idal, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nvasive rats ({R}attus spp.) are known to have pervasive impacts on island birds, particularly on their nesting success. {T}o conserve or restore bird populations, numerous invasive rat control or eradication projects are undertaken on islands worldwide. {H}owever, such projects represent a huge investment and the decision-making process requires proper assessment of rat impacts. {H}ere, we assessed the influence of two sympatric invasive rats ({R}attus rattus and {R}. exulans) on native bird eggs in a {N}ew {C}aledonian rainforest, using artificial bird-nest monitoring. {A} total of 178 artificial nests containing two eggs of three different sizes were placed either on the ground or 1.5 m high and monitored at the start of the birds' breeding season. {O}verall, 12.4% of the nests were depredated during the first 7 days. {A}t site 1, where nests were monitored during 16 days, 41.8% of the nests were depredated. {T}he main predator was the native crow {C}orvus moneduloides, responsible for 62.9% of the overall predation events. {R}ats were responsible for only 22.9% of the events, and ate only small and medium eggs at both heights. {O}ur experiment suggests that in {N}ew {C}aledonia, predation pressure by rats strengthens overall bird-nest predation, adding to that by native predators. {E}xperimental rat control operations may allow reduced predation pressure on nests as well as the recording of biodiversity responses after rat population reduction.}, keywords = {bird-nest predation ; forest birds ; invasive rodents ; island ; conservation ; rat management ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}urrent {Z}oology}, volume = {63}, numero = {6}, pages = {583--590}, ISSN = {1674-5507}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1093/cz/zox009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071393}, }