@article{fdi:010071380, title = {{A}lectryon vitiensis : a new species of {S}apindaceae endemic to {F}iji}, author = {{B}uerki, {S}. and {L}owry, {P}. {P}. and {M}unzinger, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {T}uiwawa, {M}. and {N}aikatini, {A}. and {C}allmander, {M}. {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new species of {A}lectryon {G}aertn. ({S}apindaceae) endemic to the {F}ijian archipelago is described as {A}. vitiensis {B}uerki, {L}owry, {M}unzinger & {C}allm. based on morphological and molecular evidence. {I}t can easily be distinguished from the two congeners currently known from {F}iji by its smaller leaves, subsessile leaflets, apetalous flowers, and crested fruits. {A} phylogenetic analysis using {ITS} sequence data shows that the new species is closely related to two {A}ustralian endemics, {A}. diversifolius ({F}. {M}uell.) {S}. {T}. {R}eynolds and {A}. oleifolius ({D}esf.) {S}. {T}. {R}eynolds, but differs in having compound leaves covered with a golden indument. {M}oreover, the {A}ustralian taxa are associated with dry habitats, whereas the new species from {F}iji is confined to evergreen humid forests. {A}mong apetalous species (all of which belong to a well-supported clade), {A}. vitiensis morphologically most closely resembles the generic type, {A}. excelsus {G}aertn., endemic to {N}ew {Z}ealand, but they differ from one another in the type of indument covering their branches and leaves and the arrangement, shape, and nature of the indument on their leaflets; and they belong to different clades. {T}he new species is provisionally assigned a conservation status of "{E}ndangered" according to the {IUCN} {R}ed {L}ist criteria.}, keywords = {{A}lectryon ; conservation ; {C}upania group ; {IUCN} {R}ed {L}ist ; molecular systematics ; {P}acific islands ; {S}apindaceae ; {PACIFIQUE} {ILES} ; {FIDJI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ovon}, volume = {25}, numero = {4}, pages = {421--429}, ISSN = {1055-3177}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3417/d-16-00006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071380}, }