@article{fdi:010071378, title = {{A}bundance and distribution of {A}nopheles mosquitoes in a malaria endemic area along the {T}hai-{L}ao border}, author = {{M}arasri, {N}. and {O}vergaard, {H}. {J}. and {S}umarnrote, {A}. and {T}hanispong, {K}. and {C}orbel, {V}incent and {C}hareonviriyaphap, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}alaria is an important public health problem in {T}hailand, especially along international borders. {I}n this study, we conducted a longitudinal entomological survey in six villages and rubber plantation sites to address the spatio-temporal abundance and behavior of malaria vectors in {U}bon {R}atchathani {P}rovince along the {T}hailand-{L}aos border. {A}dult female mosquitoes were collected by human landing collections (indoor and outdoor) and by cattle bait collections twice per year, during rainy and dry seasons. {M}osquitoes were morphologically identified and sibling species were determined by allele-specific {PCR}. {O}f the 10,024 {A}nopheles, 9,328 (93.1%) and 696 (6.9%) were collected during the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. {A} total of 9,769 (97.5%) and 255 (2.5%) was collected on cattle and human baits, respectively. {V}ery few primary and secondary malaria vectors were collected, consisting of 12 specimens of {A}n. dirus, eight {A}n. minimus, and seven {A}n. aconitus. {O}f the 152 specimens of the {M}aculatus {G}roup, only three were identified to {A}n sawadwongporni by molecular methods. {T}he others were 112 {A}n. rampae, a non-vector, that were not amplified or were misidentified as other non-vectors. {T}he very low density of primary malaria vectors found in the study villages suggests that entomological risk and malaria transmission is higher in neighboring forest areas. {F}urther studies on malaria vector distribution, as well as human behaviors, are needed to understand malaria transmission dynamics in the province and to develop suitable vector control methods.}, keywords = {{M}alaria vector ; mosquito abundance ; behavior ; {T}hailand-{L}ao border ; {THAILANDE} ; {LAOS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}ector {E}cology}, volume = {42}, numero = {2}, pages = {325--334}, ISSN = {1948-7134}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/jvec.12273}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071378}, }