@article{fdi:010071371, title = {{R}esponse of phytoplankton to organic enrichment and shrimp activity in tropical aquaculture ponds : a mesocosm study}, author = {{L}emonnier, {H}. and {H}ochard, {S}. and {N}akagawa, {K}. and {C}ourties, {C}. and {R}odier, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e conducted a mesocosm study to investigate the combined effect of organic enrichment and sediment resuspension by shrimp on phytoplankton communities in shrimp aquaculture ponds. {H}ence, the factorial design included 2 factors: (1) shrimp density with a concomitant increase of feed input, resulting in organic enrichment, and (2) access of shrimp to the sediments. {I}ncreasing feed input in the system raised the eutrophication state of the environment, characterized by an increase in phytoplankton biomass. {B}ioturbation enhanced: (1) mineralization of organic matter via the microbial loop, resulting in faster nutrient recycling, (2) primary production and (3) buffering capacity against eutrophication consequences. {T}he phytoplankton community showed both large temporal variations of its taxonomic composition and resilience to treatments. {A} shift in species dominance from diatoms + dinoflagellates to green algae was observed in all treatments and coincided with meteorological and {N} pool changes. {R}esults suggest that algal production was primarily limited by phosphorus and light at low (i.e. low feeding) and high (i.e. high feeding) eutrophication states, respectively. {G}rowth rate of species to be a major factor favoring their dominance in the phytoplankton community in this highly dynamic ecosystem. {C}onsequences for water column management are discussed.}, keywords = {{A}quaculture ; {L}itopenaeus stylirostris ; {P}hytoplankton communities ; {E}utrophication ; {B}ioturbation ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {M}icrobial {E}cology}, volume = {80}, numero = {2}, pages = {105--122}, ISSN = {0948-3055}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3354/ame01841}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071371}, }