@article{fdi:010071362, title = {{RNA}-{S}eq analysis reveals insight into enhanced rice {X}a7-mediated bacterial blight resistance at high temperature}, author = {{C}ohen, {S}. {P}. and {L}iu, {H}. {X}. and {A}rgues, {C}. {T}. and {P}ereira, {A}. and {C}ruz, {C}. {V}. and {V}erdier, {V}al{\'e}rie and {L}each, {J}. {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}lant disease is a major challenge to agriculture worldwide, and it is exacerbated by abiotic environmental factors. {D}uring some plant-pathogen interactions, heat stress allows pathogens to overcome host resistance, a phenomenon which could severely impact crop productivity considering the global warming trends associated with climate change. {D}espite the importance of this phenomenon, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. {T}o better understand host plant responses during simultaneous heat and pathogen stress, we conducted a transcriptomics experiment for rice plants (cultivar {IRBB}61) containing {X}a7, a bacterial blight disease resistance ({R}) gene, that were infected with {X}anthomonas oryzae, the bacterial blight pathogen of rice, during high temperature stress. {X}a7-mediated resistance is unusual relative to resistance mediated by other {R}genes in that it functions better at high temperatures. {U}sing {RNA}-{S}eq technology, we identified 8,499 differentially expressed genes as temperature responsive in rice cultivar {IRBB}61 experiencing susceptible and resistant interactions across three time points. {N}otably, genes in the plant hormone abscisic acid biosynthesis and response pathways were up-regulated by high temperature in both mock-treated plants and plants experiencing a susceptible interaction and were suppressed by high temperature in plants exhibiting {X}a7-mediated resistance. {G}enes responsive to salicylic acid, an important plant hormone for disease resistance, were down-regulated by high temperature during both the susceptible and resistant interactions, suggesting that enhanced {X}a7-mediated resistance at high temperature is not dependent on salicylic acid signaling. {A} {DNA} sequence motif similar to known abscisic acid-responsive cis-regulatory elements was identified in the promoter region upstream of genes up-regulated in susceptible but down-regulated in resistant interactions. {T}he results of our study suggest that the plant hormone abscisic acid is an important node for cross-talk between plant transcriptional response pathways to high temperature stress and pathogen attack. {G}enes in this pathway represent an important focus for future study to determine how plants evolved to deal with simultaneous abiotic and biotic stresses.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PLOS} {O}ne}, volume = {12}, numero = {11}, pages = {e0187625 [19 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0187625}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071362}, }