@article{fdi:010071361, title = {{L}arge reemergence of anthropogenic carbon into the ocean's surface mixed layer sustained by the ocean's overturning circulation}, author = {{T}oyama, {K}. and {R}odgers, {K}. {B}. and {B}lanke, {B}. and {I}udicone, {D}. and {I}shii, {M}. and {A}umont, {O}livier and {S}armiento, {J}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e evaluate the output from a widely used ocean carbon cycle model to identify the subduction and obduction (reemergence) rates of anthropogenic carbon ({C}ant) for climatological conditions during the {W}orld {O}cean {C}irculation {E}xperiment ({WOCE}) era in 1995 using a new set of {L}agrangian diagnostic tools. {T}he principal scientific value of the {L}agrangian diagnostics is in providing a new means to connect {C}ant reemergence pathways to the relatively rapid renewal time scales of mode waters through the overturning circulation. {O}ur main finding is that for this model with 2.04 {P}g{C} yr(-1) of uptake of {C}ant via gas exchange, the subduction and obduction rates across the base of the mixed layer ({ML}base) are 4.96 and 4.50 {P}g{C} yr(-1), respectively, which are twice as large as the gas exchange at the surface. {G}iven that there is net accumulation of 0.17 {P}g{C} yr(-1) in the mixed layer itself, this implies the residual downward {C}-ant transport of 1.40 {P}g{C} yr(-1) across the {ML}base is associated with diffusion. {I}mportantly, the net patterns for subduction and obduction transports of {C}ant mirror the large-scale patterns for transport of water volume, thereby illustrating the processes controlling {C}ant uptake. {A}lthough the net transfer across the {ML}base by compensating subduction and obduction is relatively smaller than the diffusion, the localized pattern of {C}ant subduction and obduction implies significant regional impacts. {T}he median time scale for reemergence of obducting particles is short (<10 yr), indicating that reemergence should contribute to limiting future carbon uptake through its contribution to perturbing the {R}evelle factor for surface waters.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, volume = {30}, numero = {21}, pages = {8615--8631}, ISSN = {0894-8755}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1175/jcli-d-16-0725.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071361}, }