@article{fdi:010071351, title = {{A}edes {A}egypti saliva enhances chikungunya virus replication in human skin fibroblasts via inhibition of the type {I} interferon signaling pathway}, author = {{W}ichit, {S}ineewanlaya and {D}iop, {F}od{\'e} and {H}amel, {R}odolphe and {T}alignani, {L}. and {F}erraris, {P}auline and {C}orn{\'e}lie, {S}ylvie and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian and {T}homas, {F}. and {Y}ssel, {H}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hikungunya virus ({CHIKV}) transmission occurs through the bite of an infected {A}edes mosquito which injects virus-containing saliva into the skin of the human host during blood feeding. {I}n the present study, we have determined the effect of {A}edes aegypti saliva on {CHIKV} replication in human skin fibroblasts, a major cell type for viral entry, which mimics the events that occur during natural transmission. {A} significant increase in the expression of viral transcripts and infectious viral particles was observed in fibroblasts infected with {CHIKV} in the presence of saliva, as compared with those infected with virus alone. {CHIKV}-infected human fibroblasts were found to express significantly increased levels of various type {I} {IFN}-responsive genes, as demonstrated by specific {PCR} array analysis. {I}n contrast, the expression of these genes was markedly decreased in cells infected with {CHIKV} in the presence of mosquito saliva. {M}oreover, {W}estern blotting analysis revealed that {STAT}2 and its phosphorylated form were down-regulated in the presence of mosquito saliva. {O}ur data demonstrate for the first time the significance of {A}edes aegypti saliva in promoting {CHIKV} infection via down-regulation of several type {I} {IFN}-responsive genes in infected human skin fibroblasts via the {JAK}-{STAT} signaling pathway.}, keywords = {{C}hikungunya ; {A}edes aegypti ; {S}aliva ; {H}uman skin fibroblasts ; {T}ype {I} {IFN} ; {A}rbovirus}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {55}, numero = {}, pages = {68--70}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2017.08.032}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071351}, }