@article{fdi:010071323, title = {{D}escription of a new maternal larvophilic mouth-brooding cichlid species, {A}pistogramma megastoma sp. n. ({T}eleostei : {P}erciformes : {G}eophaginae), from {L}oreto, {P}eru}, author = {{R}omer, {U}. and {R}omer, {C}. {I}. and {E}stivals, {G}uillain and {D}iaz, {A}. {V}. and {D}uponchelle, {F}abrice and {D}avila, {C}. {R}. {G}. and {H}ahn, {I}. and {R}enno, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}pistogramma megastoma sp. n. is described based on a total of 18 specimens from small forest streams in the {D}epartamento {L}oreto, {P}eru, tributaries of the {R}io {J}utai in the border area between {P}eru and {B}razil south and west of the city of {L}eticia ({C}olombia) (near 04 degrees 12' {S} / 70 degrees 06' {W}). {A}pistogramma megastoma sp. n., which may be confused only with {A}. barlowi, is distinguished from all other {A}pistogramma species by the combination of: noticeably disproportionately large head; exceptionally massive jaws, lyrate densely vertically banded caudal fin, extended dorsal-fin mem-branes in males; in aggressive females sooty head pattern and up to 8 series of small black dashes on flanks; small round caudal spot; and, exceptional for {A}pistogramma, maternal mouth-brooding behaviour. {D}istinguished from {A}. barlowi, by differences in colour pattern and by higher number of scale rows on cheeks. {A}pistogramma megastoma sp. n. inhabits in small fast-flowing streams.}, keywords = {{B}iodiversity ; ichthyology ; new taxa ; systematics ; {N}eotropics ; freshwater ; ecology ; reproductive behaviour ; {PEROU} ; {REGION} {NEOTROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}ertebrate {Z}oology}, volume = {67}, numero = {2}, pages = {151--171}, ISSN = {1864-5755}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071323}, }