@article{fdi:010071318, title = {{A}ctive transpressional tectonics in the {A}ndean forearc of southern {P}eru quantified by {B}e-10 surface exposure dating of an active fault scarp}, author = {{B}enavente, {C}. and {Z}erathe, {S}wann and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {H}all, {S}. {R}. and {R}obert, {X}avier and {D}elgado, {F}. and {C}arcaillet, {J}. and {ASTER} {T}eam}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ur understanding of the style and rate of {Q}uaternary tectonic deformation in the forearc of the {C}entral {A}ndes is hampered by a lack of field observations and constraints on neotectonic structures. {H}ere we present a detailed analysis of the {P}urgatorio fault, a recently recognized active fault located in the forearc of southern {P}eru. {B}ased on field and remote sensing analysis ({P}leiades {DEM}), we define the {P}urgatorio fault as a subvertical structure trending {NW}-{SE} to {W}-{E} along its 60km length, connecting, on its eastern end, to the crustal {I}ncapuquio {F}ault {S}ystem. {T}he {P}urgatorio fault accommodates right-lateral transpressional deformation, as shown by the numerous lateral and vertical plurimetric offsets recorded along strike. {I}n particular, scarp with a 5m cumulative throw is preserved and displays cobbles that are cut and covered by slickensides. {C}osmogenic radionuclide exposure dating ({B}e-10) of quartzite cobbles along the vertical fault scarp yields young exposure ages that can be bracketed between 0 to 6ka, depending on the inheritance model that is applied. {O}ur preferred scenario, which takes in account our geomorphic observations, implies at least two distinct rupture events, each associated with similar to 3 and similar to 2m of vertical offset. {T}hese two events plausibly occurred during the last thousand years. {N}evertheless, an interpretation invoking more tectonic events along the fault cannot be ruled out. {T}his work affirms crustal deformation along active faults in the {A}ndean forearc of southern {P}eru during the last thousand years.}, keywords = {tectonic geomorphology ; active fault ; fore arc ; {P}eru ; {B}e-10 exposure ; dating ; {A}ndes ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonics}, volume = {36}, numero = {9}, pages = {1662--1678}, ISSN = {0278-7407}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1002/2017tc004523}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071318}, }