@article{fdi:010071288, title = {{M}odelling fertiliser significance in three major crops + [{E}rratum]}, author = {{P}arkes, {B}. and {S}ultan, {B}enjamin and {C}iais, {P}. and {W}ang, {X}. {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present work using two long-term climate datasets to show that nitrogen fertiliser is an important aspect of yield projection for three major crops. {T}he ability of linear models using climate variables as predictors to accurately project the yield of maize, rice and wheat over multi-decadal scales is improved with the addition of fertiliser as an input. {H}ighly productive nations including {A}rgentina, {I}ndia, {P}oland and {S}outh {A}frica show significant improvement in yield simulations and show that fertiliser use should not be discounted when estimating yield variability. {T}he use of nitrogen fertiliser in the generalised linear models improves yield forecast by 18% using the {P}rinceton climate dataset and 23% using the {WFDEI} climate dataset. {T}his work therefore supports the use of additional predictors than climate for improving the ability of statistical models to reconstruct yield variability.}, keywords = {{F}ertiliser ; {S}tatistical modelling ; {M}aize ; {R}ice ; {W}heat}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {A}gronomy}, volume = {90}, numero = {}, pages = {1--11 [+ {E}rratum paru {V}o. 93, p. 135]}, ISSN = {1161-0301}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.eja.2017.06.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071288}, }