@book{fdi:010071141, title = {{R}egulating transgenic soybean production in {A}rgentina}, author = {{P}h{\'e}linas, {P}ascale and {S}chwartz, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his article investigates how to regulate transgenic soybean production in {A}rgentina. {T}aking into account the broad range of negative externalities associated with transgenic soybean production, we explore the effects of two different policy instruments, namely a subsidy for non-transgenic soybean and production quotas for transgenic soybean. {T}aking into account the political and economic context in {A}rgentina, we demonstrate that auctioned production quotas are the best way to achieve the regulation of transgenic soybean production. {H}owever, the organization of the agricultural sector in {A}rgentina is such that "raising rivals' costs" behavior could occur on the quota market although the output price is set exogenously. {W}e show that auctioned quotas limit this anti-competitive behavior. {F}inally, we demonstrate that introducing a shadow cost of public funds leads to an increase in the optimal production level of transgenic soybean.}, keywords = {{PRODUCTION} {AGRICOLE} ; {SOJA} ; {POLITIQUE} {AGRICOLE} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {FILIERE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {REGULATION} ; {MARCHE} {NATIONAL} ; {POLLUTION} ; {GESTION} {DE} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {CULTURE} {TRANSGENIQUE} ; {IMPACT} {SUR} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {ARGENTINE}}, address = {{C}lermont-{F}errand}, publisher = {{CERDI}}, series = {{E}tudes et {D}ocuments - {CERDI}}, pages = {26}, year = {2017}, ISSN = {2114-7957}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071141}, }