@article{fdi:010071128, title = {{C}ontribution of trees to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes}, author = {{B}arrios, {E}. and {V}alencia, {V}. and {J}onsson, {M}. and {B}rauman, {A}lain and {H}airiah, {K}. and {M}ortimer, {P}.{E}. and {O}kubo, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he production of sufficient food for an increasing global population while conserving natural capital is a major challenge to humanity. {T}ree-mediated ecosystem services are recognized as key features of more sustainable agroecosystems but the strategic management of tree attributes for ecosystem service provision is poorly understood. {S}ix agroforestry and tree cover transition studies, spanning tropical/subtropical forest zones in three continents, were synthesized to assess the contribution of tree cover to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. {L}oss of native earthworm populations resulted in 76% lower soil macroporosity when shade trees were absent in coffee agriculture. {I}ncreased tree cover contributed to 53% increase in tea crop yield, maintained 93% of crop pollinators found in the natural forest and, in combination with nearby forest fragments, contributed to as much as 86% lower incidence for coffee berry borer. {I}n certain contexts, shade trees contributed to negative effects resulting from increases in abundance of white stem borer and lacebugs and resulted in 60% reduction of endangered tree species compared to forest. {M}anaging trees for ecosystem services requires understanding which tree species to include and how to manage them for different socio-ecological contexts. {T}his knowledge needs to be shared and translated into viable options with farming communities.}, keywords = {{AGROFORESTERIE} ; {SOL} {CULTIVE} ; {FERTILITE} {DU} {SOL} ; {ARBRE} ; {COUVERT} {VEGETAL} ; {POLLINISATION} ; {PROTECTION} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {BIODIVERSITE} ; {SERVICE} {ECOSYSTEMIQUE} ; {INDONESIE} ; {THAILANDE} ; {CHINE} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {KENYA} ; {OUGANDA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {B}iodiversity {S}cience, {E}cosystems {S}ervices and {M}anagement}, volume = {14}, numero = {1}, pages = {1--16}, ISSN = {2151-3732}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1080/21513732.2017.1399167}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071128}, }