@article{fdi:010071120, title = {{T}yphoon impact and recovery from continuous video monitoring : a case study from {N}ha {T}rang {B}each, {V}ietnam}, author = {{T}huan, {D}. {H}. and {B}inh, {L}. {T}. and {V}ieth, {N}. {T}. and {H}anh, {D}. {K}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l and {M}archesiello, {P}atrick}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}ha {T}rang beach in {V}ietnam is regarded as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. {H}owever, its degradation in recent years is a serious problem for its economic development. {U}nderstanding the mechanisms of shoreline evolution is thus part of an integrated management strategy of the area. {I}n this study, the evolution of {N}ha {T}rang shoreline is investigated in detail with a high resolution (2{M}p) and high frequency (2{H}z) video camera system installed from {M}ay 2013 to present. {T}he surfzone cross-shore profiles, shoreline positions and wave characteristics (height and period) extracted from the video data are calibrated with in-situ measurement from two field experiments (from 23/05 to 01/06 and 03/12 to 10/12 2013) and bathymetry measurement during the {H}aiyan typhoon event. {T}he study shows a marked seasonal evolution of the {N}ha {T}rang shoreline with accretion from {M}arch to {S}eptember and cumulated seasonal amplitude of about 15 m. {T}he impact of {N}ari and {H}aiyan typhoons to the shoreline is also dramatic with changes of 4 to 8 in in each case. {T}he recovery to individual events is fast, of the order of one and half month.}, keywords = {{S}horeline evolution ; recovery ; video monitoring ; {N}ha {T}rang beach ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}oastal {R}esearch}, numero = {no sp{\'e}cial 75}, pages = {263--267}, ISSN = {0749-0208}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.2112/si75-053.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071120}, }