@article{fdi:010071043, title = {{A}n individual-based model for simulating the ecosystem dynamics of {J}iaozhou {B}ay, {C}hina}, author = {{X}ing, {L}. and {Z}hang, {C}. {L}. and {C}hen, {Y}. and {S}hin, {Y}unne-{J}ai and {V}erley, {P}hilippe and {Y}u, {H}. {Q}. and {R}en, {Y}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {O}bject-oriented {S}imulator of {M}arine eco{S}ystem {E}xploitation ({OSMOSE}) is one of the end-to-end models developed for ecosystem dynamic simulation and management strategy evaluation ({MSE}) in support of ecosystem-based fishery management ({EBFM}). {H}owever, the implementation of such integrated models has been limited due to lack of data, and their performance in advising fisheries management has been rarely evaluated. {W}e developed an end-to-end model ({OSMOSE}-{JZB}) representing organisms of high and low trophic levels in the {J}iaozhou {B}ay, a temperate bay in {C}hina with limited available data. {W}e evaluated the performance of the model for simulating the ecosystem dynamics by comparing the model-predicted species biomass, size structure, trophic level, and mortality with relevant data derived from scientific surveys and literature. {I}n general, the model-predicted species biomass and size ranges were consistent with observations. {H}owever, the size structure of the two dominant fish species showed some discrepancies between the model simulations and observations. {T}he predicted mean trophic levels from {OSMOSE}-{JZB} were closer to the values derived from an {E}copath model of the same region, compared to the values derived from empirical isotope analysis. {T}he model's output suggested that predation mortality appeared to be the main source of mortality for younger individuals compared to starvation and fishing mortality. {T}his study suggests that the {OSMOSE}-{JZB} performs well under a data-poor situation and can be considered as a baseline ecosystem model for developing {EBFM}.}, keywords = {{OSMOSE} ; {E}nd-to-end model ; {M}odel calibration ; {P}erformance evaluation ; {J}iaozhou {B}ay ; {CHINE} ; {JIAOZHOU} {BAIE} ; {MER} {JAUNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {M}odelling}, volume = {360}, numero = {}, pages = {120--131}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.06.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071043}, }