@article{fdi:010071033, title = {{P}opulation genetic structure of the biological control agent {M}acrolophus pygmaeus in {M}editerranean agroecosystems}, author = {{S}treito, {J}. {C}. and {C}louet, {C}. and {H}amdi, {F}. and {G}authier, {N}athalie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iological control of agricultural pests relies on knowledge of agroecosystem functionality, particularly when affected by the use of mass-produced biological agents. {I}ncorporating pre- and/or post-release information such as genetic diversity and structure on these agents using molecular-based approaches could advance our knowledge of how they perform in agroecosystems. {W}e evaluated the population genetics of {M}acrolophus pygmaeus, the most widely used predatory mirid against many arthropod pests of greenhouse crops in the {M}editerranean region, using the mitochondrial {C}ytb sequence and microsatellite data, and population genetics and phylogeny approaches. {W}e investigated commercially mass-produced insects (i.e., commercial insects either mass-reared in the laboratory for many generations, or purchased by farmers and released in the greenhouses) and wild insects (i.e., that occur naturally outside or are collected in nature for release in the greenhouses). {T}he mirids were mainly collected in agroecosystems in which solanaceous plants are grown in northern {S}pain, southern {F}rance and {G}reece. {B}oth molecular markers and approaches distinguished 2 genetically differentiated populations. {T}he less genetically diverse population, hereafter named the commercial strain included all individuals from laboratory mass-rearings and most releases of commercially bred individuals. {T}he most genetically diverse population mainly comprised individuals originating from noncultivated environments, or from releases of wild individuals. {R}are examples of hybridization between {M}. pygmaeus from the 2 populations were observed and asymmetric gene flow was revealed. {T}hese findings provide new insights into what happens to {M}. pygmaeus released in the agroecosystems we studied, and show that it is possible to monitor some commercial strains.}, keywords = {biological control ; commercial vs wild strains ; {M}acrolophus pygmaeus ; microsatellites ; mt{C}ytb ; population genetics ; {FRANCE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {GRECE} ; {PORTUGAL} ; {MADERE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nsect {S}cience}, volume = {24}, numero = {5}, pages = {859--876}, ISSN = {1672-9609}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/1744-7917.12370}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071033}, }