@article{fdi:010071030, title = {{U}n nouveau genre de {C}ulicidae ({D}iptera), {P}aulianius n. gen., avec la description de trois nouvelles esp{\`e}ces malgaches}, author = {{B}runhes, {J}acques and {B}ouss{\`e}s, {P}hilippe and {T}antely, {M}. {L}. and {K}engne, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{A} new genus of {C}ulicidae ({D}iptera), {P}aulianius n. gen., with the description of three new species from {M}adagascar. {T}he {D}iceromyia from {M}adagascar are reviewed by studying the collections present at the {IRD} in {M}ontpellier, {F}rance and at the {I}nstitut {P}asteur in {P}aris, {F}rance. {T}he morphological comparison of malagasies {D}iceromyia, african {D}iceromyia and indian {T}ewarius shows the originality and homogeneity of malagasies {D}iceromyia. {M}oreover, a comparative analysis of ribosomal {DNA} between african {D}iceromyia and malagasies {D}iceromyia showed an important genetic difference between these two groups. {T}his result leads to classify all malagasies species in a new genus, {P}aulianius {B}runhes & {B}ousses, n. gen. {T}his revision presents a new iconography and new descriptions of the known species: {P}aulianius tiptoni ({G}rjebine, 1953), n. comb., {P}aulianius madagascarensis ({S}omeren, 1948), n. comb., {P}aulianius grassei ({D}oucet, 1951), n. comb. and {P}aulianius coulangesi ({R}odhain & {B}outonnier, 1983), n. comb.{D}iceromyia sylvaticus ({B}runhes, 1982) is considered as a junior synonym of {P}aulianius madagascarensis ({S}omeren, 1948). {T}hree new species are described: {P}aulianius hirsutusn. sp., caught in the preimaginal stage in the dry regions of west {M}adagascar, {P}aulianius ambremontisn. sp. which seems to be linked to the large forest north of {M}adagascar and {P}aulianius rodhainin. sp. {T}he neotype of {P}aulianius grassei designated by {B}runhes in 1982 is invalidated, the original type series having been rediscovered. {T}he {A}frican species {D}iceromyia nivea ({D}e {M}eillon, 1943) has, for convenience, been placed in the african genus {D}iceromyia. {H}owever, many morphological characters are opposed to this decision. {T}hese characters which pose a problem to its integration in the genus {D}iceromyia invite to its integration in the malagasy genus {P}aulianius and the section {N}iveus is proposed to accommodate {D}iceromyia nivea among {P}aulianius. {T}he {P}aulianius are thus subdivided into three sections: (1) the {T}iptoni section, of which the scutum is predominantly white in its anterior half, and the lower mesepimeral setae present, and comprises {P}aulianius tiptoni and {P}aulianius hirsutusn. sp.; (2) the {N}iveus section, which currently includes only {P}aulianius niveus whose scutum is predominantly white in its anterior half, lower mesepimeral setae absent and for which male's gonocoxite carries an apical dorsal tuft of foliaceous setae; (3) the {C}oulangesi section, whose black scutum has longitudinal lines of white scales, has one lower mesepimeral seta, and includes {P}aulianius coulangesi, {P}aulianius ambremontisn. sp., {P}aulianius madagascarensis, {P}aulianius rodhainin. sp and {P}aulianius grassei. {N}ew distribution maps are provided. {F}inally, the relationships between the {D}iceromyia present on the {A}frican continent, the {T}ewarius of the {I}ndian peninsula and {S}outh-{E}ast {A}sia, and the {M}alagasies and african {P}aulianius, are discussed. {A} hypothesis to account for this distribution of the three genera is proposed.}, keywords = {taxonomy ; morphology ; genetics ; {D}iceromyia ; {T}ewarius ; {M}adagascar ; new species ; new genus ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nnales de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} {E}ntomologique de {F}rance}, volume = {53}, numero = {5}, pages = {344--373}, ISSN = {0037-9271}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1080/00379271.2017.1365627}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071030}, }