@article{fdi:010071010, title = {{T}racing the domestication of the {A}ndean root crop arracacha ({A}rracacia xanthorrhiza {B}ancr.) : a molecular survey confirms the selection of a wild form apt to asexual reproduction}, author = {{M}orillo, {E}. and {S}econd, {G}{\'e}rard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ndean arracacha ({A}rracacia xanthorrhiza {B}ancr.) is a valuable but poorly known vegetatively reproduced root crop whose origin is still unresolved. {W}ild tuberous forms are present in the presumed areas of domestication and have a perennial or monocarpic life history. {T}o elucidate the origin of the cultivated form, we surveyed a molecular analysis with amplified fragment length polymorphisms ({AFLP}s) in a representative sample of this crop and its wild relatives from {E}cuador and {P}eru, the presumed areas of domestication. {W}ild species with tuberous and non-tuberous roots were included, as well as the perennial and monocarpic forms of the presumed wild ancestor. {W}hile the two wild varieties of {A}. xanthorrhiza were closest to the cultivars, they were distinguished by {AFLP}s. {U}nexpectedly, two clearly distinct groups were formed among the cultivars, one of which was significantly closer to the monocarpic wild form. {H}owever, the chloroplast {DNA} survey revealed greater similarity between all of the cultivars and the wild perennial {A}. xanthorrhiza. {T}hese results combined with the morphological and life history features, confirms the hypothesis that arracacha domestication started from the wild perennial form. {W}e suggest this scenario of domestication followed by an unsuspected introgression in the cultivation, resulting in two cryptic genetic groups, well distinguished at the molecular level. {T}his is an important revelation with implications in genetic resource conservation and breeding standpoints in this promissory crop.}, keywords = {{AFLP}s ; arracacha ; introgression ; plant domestication ; {EQUATEUR} ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {G}enetic {R}esources-{C}haracterization and {U}tilization}, volume = {15}, numero = {5}, pages = {380--387}, ISSN = {1479-2621}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1017/s1479262116000046}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071010}, }