@article{fdi:010071004, title = {{T}ransport pathways of decapod larvae under intense mesoscale activity in the {C}anary-{A}frican coastal transition zone : implications for population connectivity}, author = {{L}andeira, {J}. {M}. and {B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {M}ason, {E}. and {L}ozano-{S}oldevilla, {F}. and {H}ernandez-{L}eon, {S}. and {B}arton, {E}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigate the transport dynamics of decapod larvae in the {C}anary-{A}frican coastal transition zone ({C}-{ACTZ}), where larval assemblages are poorly known. {I}n {A}ugust 1999, during the {FAX}99 cruise, the waters downstream of the {C}anary {I}sland archipelago displayed intense mesoscale activity, with numerous cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies as well as upwelling filaments. {O}ur results illustrate a close relationship between these mesoscale oceanographic structures and the distribution of decapod larvae, using both field observations and {L}agrangian transport modelling. {A}nalysis of plankton samples shows that larvae of pelagic species were excluded from filament waters, whereas larvae of neritic species were heterogeneously distributed, suggesting that the {C}-{ACTZ} is a mixing area where larvae originating from both the {C}anary {I}slands and the {A}frican coast may be present at the same time. {T}his finding was supported by the simulations, which suggested that the larvae collected in the offshore waters south of {G}ran {C}anaria came mainly from the {A}frican population (between {C}ape {B}ojador and {C}ape {J}uby) during early {A}ugust, whereas during the second half of {A}ugust the targeted area was dominated by larvae released from {F}uerteventura populations. {O}ur observations introduce new insights into our understanding of marine population connectivity, the dispersal pathways of the terrestrial biota, and general biogeography in the region.}, keywords = {decapod larvae ; {C}-{ACTZ} ; upwelling filament ; eddy ; {L}agrangian transport ; connectivity ; {AFRIQUE} ; {CANARIAS} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {NORD} {EST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientia {M}arina}, volume = {81}, numero = {3}, pages = {299--315}, ISSN = {0214-8358}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3989/scimar.04599.06{A}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071004}, }