@article{fdi:010070990, title = {{T}he fourth {A}rab {I}mpact {C}ratering and {A}strogeology {C}onference ({AICAC} {IV}), {A}pril 9-12, 2017, {A}lgiers ({A}lgeria)}, author = {{B}elhai, {D}. and {C}hennaoui-{A}oudjehane, {H}. and {B}aratoux, {D}avid and {F}erriere, {L}. and {L}amali, {A}. and {S}ahoui, {R}. and {L}ambert, {P}. and {A}yadi, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present a report about the fourth {A}rab {I}mpact {C}ratering and {A}strogeology {C}onference ({AICAC} {IV}) that took place in {A}lgiers at the {USTHB} ({U}niversite des {S}ciences et {T}echnologie {H}ouari {B}oumedienne, {A}lgiers, {A}lgeria) in the presence of the presidents of the {USTHB} and {B}oumerdes {U}niversities, the {D}irector of {CRAAG} ({C}entre de {R}echerche en {A}stronomie, {A}strophysique et {G}eophysique), and the {G}eneral {D}irector of the {N}ational {A}dministration for {S}cientific {R}esearch ({NASR}/{DGRSDT}). {T}his series of conferences aims to promote research interest for impact cratering in the {A}rab world and beyond, including for instance in {A}frican countries. {I}n spite of persistently restraining travel measures to {A}lgeria, the fourth edition held in {A}lgiers was marked by continuous international participation, with participants from seven different countries. {T}his conference focused on presentations of scientific results in the research fields related to planetology, meteorites, and impact craters. {I}n particular, the {A}lgerian impact structures were under the spotlights during both oral and poster sessions. {D}uring this conference, the presence of freshly graduated {P}h.{D}. students and new {P}h.{D}. projects related to impact cratering or meteoritic science was a positive sign for the consolidation of research groups in this domain in the {A}rab world and {A}frica. {T}herefore, international cooperation or external support and funding are still needed to ensure the development of this scientific discipline in this part of the world.}, keywords = {{ALGERIE} ; {ALGER} ; {PAYS} {ARABES} ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}eteoritics and {P}lanetary {S}cience}, volume = {52}, numero = {9}, pages = {2067--2071}, ISSN = {1086-9379}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/maps.12906}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070990}, }