@article{fdi:010070946, title = {{E}nergia solar y marginacion : analisis de la percepcion social sobre nuevas tecnologias para la articulacion de una transicion energetica en el municipio de {N}ezahualcóyotl, {M}{\'e}xico}, author = {{A}quino, {A}. {R}. {A}. and {K}uwabara, {Y}. {M}. and {K}leiche {D}ray, {M}ina}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{N}ezahualcoyotl is the second largest municipality of the {S}tate of {M}exico. {M}arginalization is a social issue of great influence on urban development. {A} study through social-statistical techniques was conducted in order to analyze social perception intervention in energy transition feasibility for the municipality, based on photovoltaic technology. {T}he hypothesis scenario assumes different tendencies for people to accept new energy technologies to promote community's welfare, depending on the marginalization level. {I}nhabitants' social interactions were evaluated and the environmental and organization of economic perception regarding solar energy was analyzed. {I}t was found that marginalization level, electric energy costs and new technologies knowledge are factors that influence the municipality energy transition. {T}here is misinformation about the consequences of energy transition. {T}he local representation of new technologies is fragile and social priorities are closely linked to household comforts.}, keywords = {{PHOTOVOLTAIC} {TECHNOLOGY} ; {SOCIAL} {DEVELOPMENT} ; {PUBLIC} {PERCEPTION} ; photovoltaic technology ; social development ; public perception ; {MEXIQUE} ; {MEXICO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evista {I}nternacional de {C}ontaminacion {A}mbiental}, volume = {33}, numero = {3}, pages = {449--461}, ISSN = {0188-4999}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.20937/rica.2017.33.03.08}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070946}, }