@article{fdi:010070939, title = {{I}ntegrated roles of {B}cl{A} and {DD}-carboxypeptidase 1 in {B}radyrhizobium differentiation within {NCR}-producing and {NCR}-lacking root nodules}, author = {{B}arri{\`e}re, {Q}. and {G}uefrachi, {I}. and {G}ully, {D}jamel and {L}amouche, {F}. and {P}ierre, {O}. and {F}ardoux, {J}o{\¨e}l and {C}haintreuil, {C}l{\'e}mence and {A}lunni, {B}. and {T}imchenko, {T}. and {G}iraud, {E}ric and {M}ergaert, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}egumes harbor in their symbiotic nodule organs nitrogen fixing rhizobium bacteria called bacteroids. {S}ome legumes produce {N}odule-specific {C}ysteine-{R}ich ({NCR}) peptides in the nodule cells to control the intracellular bacterial population. {NCR} peptides have antimicrobial activity and drive bacteroids toward terminal differentiation. {O}ther legumes do not produce {NCR} peptides and their bacteroids are not differentiated. {B}radyrhizobia, infecting {NCR}-producing {A}eschynomene plants, require the peptide uptake transporter {B}cl{A} to cope with the {NCR} peptides as well as a specific peptidoglycan-modifying {DD}-carboxypeptidase, {DD}-{CP}ase1. {W}e show that {B}radyrhizobium diazoefficiens strain {USDA}110 forms undifferentiated bacteroids in {NCR}-lacking soybean nodules. {U}nexpectedly, in {A}eschynomene afraspera nodules the nitrogen fixing {USDA}110 bacteroids are hardly differentiated despite the fact that this host produces {NCR} peptides, suggesting that {USDA}110 is insensitive to the host peptide effectors and that nitrogen fixation can be uncoupled from differentiation. {I}n agreement with the absence of bacteroid differentiation, {USDA}110 does not require its bcl{A} gene for nitrogen fixing symbiosis with these two host plants. {F}urthermore, we show that the {B}cl{A} and {DD}-{CP}ase1 act independently in the {NCR}-induced morphological differentiation of bacteroids. {O}ur results suggest that {B}cl{A} is required to protect the rhizobia against the {NCR} stress but not to induce the terminal differentiation pathway.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 9063 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-017-08830-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070939}, }