@article{fdi:010070886, title = {{E}volution of the scattering properties of phytoplankton cells from flow cytometry measurements}, author = {{M}outier, {W}. and {D}uforet-{G}aurier, {L}. and {T}hyssen, {M}. and {L}oisel, {H}ubert and {M}eriaux, {X}. and {C}ourcot, {L}. and {D}essailly, {D}. and {R}eve, {A}. {H}. and {G}regori, {G}. and {A}lvain, {S}. and {B}arani, {A}. and {B}rutier, {L}. and {D}ugenne, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}fter the exponential growth phase, variability in the scattering efficiency of phytoplankton cells over their complete life cycle is not well characterised. {B}ulk measurements are impacted by senescent cells and detritrus. {T}hus the analysis of the evolution of the optical properties thanks to their morphological and/or intra-cellular variations remains poorly studied. {U}sing the {C}ytosense flow cytometer ({C}yto{B}uoy b. v., {NL}), the temporal course of the forward and sideward efficiencies of two phytoplankton species ({T}halassiosira pseudonana and {C}hlamydomonas concordia) were analyzed during a complete life-cycle. {T}hese two species differ considerably from a morphological point of view. {O}ver the whole experiment, the forward and sideward efficiencies of {T}halassiosira pseudonana were, on average, respectively 2.2 and 1.6 times higher than the efficiencies of {C}hlamydomonas concordia. {L}arge intra-species variability of the efficiencies were observed over the life cycle of the considered species. {I}t highlights the importance of considering the optical properties of phytoplankton cells as a function of the population growth stage of the considered species. {F}urthermore, flow cytometry measurements were combined with radiative transfer simulations and biogeochemical and optical measurements. {R}esults showed that the real refractive index of the chloroplast is a key parameter driving the sideward signal and that a simplistic two-layered model (cytoplasm-chloroplast) seems particularly appropriate to represent the phytoplankton cells.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PLOS} {O}ne}, volume = {12}, numero = {7}, pages = {e0181180 [24 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0181180}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070886}, }