@article{fdi:010070858, title = {{M}apping topsoil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity from point measurements using different methods}, author = {{B}raud, {I}. and {D}esprats, {J}. {F}. and {A}yral, {P}. {A}. and {B}ouvier, {C}hristophe and {V}andervaere, {J}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}opsoil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, {K}f(s), is a parameter that controls the partition of rainfall between infiltration and runoff and is a key parameter in most distributed hydrological models. {T}here is a mismatch between the scale of local in situ {K}f(s) measurements and the scale at which the parameter is required in models for regional mapping. {T}herefore methods for extrapolating local {K}f(s) values to larger mapping units are required. {T}he paper explores the feasibility of mapping {K}f(s) in the {C}evennes-{V}ivarais region, in south-east {F}rance, using more easily available {GIS} data concerning geology and land cover. {O}ur analysis makes uses of a data set from infiltration measurements performed in the area and its vicinity for more than ten years. {T}he data set is composed of {K}f(s) derived from infiltration measurements performed using various methods: {G}uelph permeameters, double ring and single ring infiltrotrometers and tension infiltrometers. {T}he different methods resulted in a large variation in {K}f(s) up to several orders of magnitude. {A} method is proposed to pool the data from the different infiltration methods to create an equivalent set of {K}f(s). {S}tatistical tests showed significant differences in {K}f(s) distributions in function of different geological formations and land cover. {T}hus the mapping of {K}f(s) at regional scale was based on geological formations and land cover. {T}his map was compared to a map based on the {R}awls and {B}rakensiek ({RB}) pedotransfer function (mainly based on texture) and the two maps showed very different patterns. {T}he {RB} values did not fit observed equivalent {K}f(s) at the local scale, highlighting that soil texture alone is not a good predictor of {K}f(s).}, keywords = {{I}nfiltration methods ; {T}opsoil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity ; {L}and cover ; {G}eology ; {M}apping ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology and {H}ydromechanics}, volume = {65}, numero = {3}, pages = {264--275}, ISSN = {0042-790{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1515/johh-2017-0017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070858}, }