@article{fdi:010070857, title = {{O}verview of the geophysical studies in the {D}ead {S}ea coastal area related to evaporite karst and recent sinkhole development}, author = {{E}zersky, {M}. {G}. and {L}egchenko, {A}natoli and {E}ppelbaum, {L}. and {A}l-{Z}oubi, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince the early 80s, a progressively increasing number of sinkholes appeared along the {D}ead {S}ea coastal line. {I}t has been found that their appearance is strongly correlating with the lowering of the {D}ead {S}ea level taking place with the rate of approximately 1 m/yr. {L}ocation of areas affected by sinkhole development corresponds to location of the salt formation deposited during the latest {P}leistocene, when the {L}ake {L}isan receded to later become the {D}ead {S}ea. {W}ater flowing to the {D}ead {S}ea from adjacent and underlying aquifers dissolves salt and creates caverns that cause ground subsidence and consequent formation of sinkholes. {B}efore subsidence, these caverns are not visible on the surface but can be investigated with surface geophysical methods. {F}or that, we applied {S}urface {N}uclear {M}agnetic {R}esonance ({SNMR}), {T}ransient {E}lectromagnetic ({TEM}) {S}eismic refraction and reflection, {M}ultichannel {A}nalysis of {S}urface waves ({MASW}), microgravity and magnetic surveys and their combinations. {O}ur geophysical results allowed us to locate the salt formation and to detect caverns in salt thus contributing to better understanding sinkhole development mechanisms. {C}omparison of sinkhole appearance along the western {DS} shore derived from the recent database (2017) shows that predictions made on the base of geophysical data (2005-2008) are now confirmed thus demonstrating efficiency of our study. {I}n this paper, we briefly present a summary of up to date knowledge of the geology and hydrogeology of {D}ead {S}ea basin, of the physical properties of the salt rock and the most popular models explaining mechanisms of sinkhole development. {W}e also share our experience gained during geophysical studies carried out in the framework of national and international research projects in this area for the last 20 years.}, keywords = {{D}ead {S}ea ; evaporate karst ; geophysics ; sinkholes ; {MER} {MORTE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {S}peleology}, volume = {46}, numero = {2}, pages = {277--302}, ISSN = {0392-6672}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.5038/1827-806x.46.2.2087}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070857}, }