@article{fdi:010070853, title = {{I}ntestinal bacterial communities of trypanosome-infected and uninfected {G}lossina palpalis palpalis from three human african trypanomiasis foci in {C}ameroon}, author = {{J}acob, {F}. and {M}elachio, {T}. {T}. and {N}jitchouang, {G}. {R}. and {G}imonneau, {G}. and {N}jiokou, {F}. and {A}bate, {L}uc and {C}hristen, {R}. and {R}eveillaud, {J}. and {G}eiger, {A}nne}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}lossina sp. the tsetse fly that transmits trypanosomes causing the {H}uman or the {A}nimal {A}frican {T}rypanosomiasis ({HAT} or {AAT}) can harbor symbiotic bacteria that are known to play a crucial role in the fly's vector competence. {W}e hypothesized that other bacteria could be present, and that some of them could also influence the fly's vector competence. {I}n this context the objectives of our work were: (a) to characterize the bacteria that compose the {G}. palpalis palpalis midgut bacteriome, (b) to evidence possible bacterial community differences between trypanosome-infected and non-infected fly individuals from a given {AAT} and {HAT} focus or from different foci using barcoded {I}llumina sequencing of the hypervariable {V}3-{V}4 region of the 16{S} r{RNA} gene. {F}orty {G}. p. palpalis flies, either infected by {T}rypanosoma congolense or uninfected were sampled from three trypanosomiasis foci in {C}ameroon. {A} total of 143 {OTU}s were detected in the midgut samples. {M}ost taxa were identified at the genus level, nearly 50% at the species level; they belonged to 83 genera principally within the phyla {A}ctinobacteria, {B}acteroidetes, {F}irmicutes, and {P}roteobacteria. {P}rominent representatives included {W}igglesworthia (the fly's obligate symbiont), {S}erratia, and {E}nterobacter hormaechei. {W}olbachia was identified for the first time in {G}. p. palpalis. {T}he average number of bacterial species per tsetse sample was not significantly different regarding the fly infection status, and the hierarchical analysis based on the differences in bacterial community structure did not provide a clear clustering between infected and non-infected flies. {F}inally, the most important result was the evidence of the overall very large diversity of intestinal bacteria which, except for {W}igglesworthia, were unevenly distributed over the sampled flies regardless of their geographic origin and their trypanosome infection status.}, keywords = {{G}lossina ; trypanosome ; microbiome ; meta-taxonomics ; sleeping sickness ; nagana ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}icrobiology}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1464 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-302{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3389/fmicb.2017.01464}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070853}, }