@article{fdi:010070848, title = {{L}ocal factors mediate the response of biodiversity to land use on two {A}frican mountains}, author = {{J}ung, {M}. and {H}ill, {S}. {L}. {L}. and {P}latts, {P}. {J}. and {M}archant, {R}. and {S}iebert, {S}. and {F}ournier, {A}nne and {M}unyekenye, {F}. {B}. and {P}urvis, {A}. and {B}urgess, {N}. {D}. and {N}ewbold, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}and-use change is the single biggest driver of biodiversity loss in the tropics. {B}iodiversity models can be useful tools to inform policymakers and conservationists of the likely response of species to anthropogenic pressures, including land-use change. {H}owever, such models generalize biodiversity responses across wide areas and many taxa, potentially missing important characteristics of particular sites or clades. {C}omparisons of biodiversity models with independently collected field data can help us understand the local factors that mediate broad-scale responses. {W}e collected independent bird occurrence and abundance data along two elevational transects in {M}ount {K}ilimanjaro, {T}anzania and the {T}aita {H}ills, {K}enya. {W}e estimated the local response to land use and compared our estimates with modelled local responses based on a large database of many different taxa across {A}frica. {T}o identify the local factors mediating responses to land use, we compared environmental and species assemblage information between sites in the independent and {A}frican-wide datasets. {B}ird species richness and abundance responses to land use in the independent data followed similar trends as suggested by the {A}frican-wide biodiversity model, however the land-use classification was too coarse to capture fully the variability introduced by local agricultural management practices. {A} comparison of assemblage characteristics showed that the sites on {K}ilimanjaro and the {T}aita {H}ills had higher proportions of forest specialists in croplands compared to the {A}frica-wide average. {L}ocal human population density, forest cover and vegetation greenness also differed significantly between the independent and {A}frica-wide datasets. {B}iodiversity models including those variables performed better, particularly in croplands, but still could not accurately predict the magnitude of local species responses to most land uses, probably because local features of the land management are still missed. {O}verall, our study demonstrates that local factors mediate biodiversity responses to land use and cautions against applying biodiversity models to local contexts without prior knowledge of which factors are locally relevant.}, keywords = {biodiversity model ; biodiversity responses ; {K}ilimanjaro ; land use ; {PREDICTS} ; birds ; tropics ; {TANZANIE} ; {KILIMANJARO} ; {KENYA} ; {TAITA} {MONTS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nimal {C}onservation}, volume = {20}, numero = {4}, pages = {370--381}, ISSN = {1367-9430}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/acv.12327}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070848}, }