@incollection{fdi:010070802, title = {{R}iver basin management and development}, author = {{M}olle, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}iver basins are geographical units in which all streams drain to a common terminus, but as a political boundary it is also the result of a choice and social construction. {T}he concept has, from the nineteenth century onward, chiefly been mobilized for justifying and rationalizing the large-scale development of water resources by powerful water bureaucracies imbued with their “hydraulic mission.” {E}xcessive development resulting in basin closure and social and environmental externalities must be understood as a political phenomenon. {T}he relevance of looking at water-related problems through the lens of the water basin has been debated and the complexity of multilevel governance unearthed, not least at the transboundary level. {W}hether river basin organizations are needed or desirable, and what their prerogatives should be, are also under question.}, keywords = {{BASSIN} {FLUVIAL} ; {GESTION} ; {DEVELOPPEMENT} ; {RESSOURCES} {EN} {EAU} ; {PROGRAMME} {DE} {RECHERCHE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {ECOSYSTEME} ; {GESTION} {DE} {L}'{ENVIRONNEMENT} ; {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {GOUVERNANCE} ; {ECHELLE} ; {ZONE} {TRANSFRONTALIERE} ; {MONDE}}, booktitle = {{T}he international encyclopedia of geography : people, the earth, environment, and technology}, numero = {}, pages = {12}, address = {{O}xford}, publisher = {{W}iley}, series = {}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0907}, ISBN = {978-0-470-65963-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070802}, }