@article{fdi:010070678, title = {{E}ffect of environmental conditions on the seasonal and inter-annual variability of small pelagic fish abundance off {N}orth-{W}est {A}frica : the case of both {S}enegalese sardinella}, author = {{T}hiaw, {M}. and {A}uger, {P}ierre-{A}ma{\¨e}l and {N}gom, {F}. and {B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {F}aye, {S}. and {D}iankha, {O}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this study was to assess the effect of environmental variations on the abundance of {S}ardinella aurita and {S}ardinella maderensis in {S}enegalese waters in the upwelling system. {M}onthly data indicating the abundance of sardinella were first estimated from commercial statistics, using {G}eneralized {L}inear {M}odel from 1966 to 2011. {A}bundance indices ({AI}s) were then compared with environmental indices, at the local scale, a {C}oastal {U}pwelling {I}ndex ({CUI}) and a coastal {S}ea {S}urface {T}emperature ({SST}) index, and on a large scale, the {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}scillation ({NAO}), the {A}tlantic {M}ultidecadal {O}scillation ({AMO}) and the {M}ultivariate {E}l {N}iño {S}outhern {O}scillation {I}ndex ({MEI}), using correlations and times series analyses. {T}he results showed that the abundance of sardinella is determined by a strong seasonal pattern and inter-annual fluctuations. {T}he abundance of {S}. aurita peaked in spring and in autumn, whereas that of {S}. maderensis peaked in the warm season ({J}uly-{S}eptember). {T}he trend of the sardinella abundance was significantly correlated with the {CUI}, especially in autumn and spring. {I}nterannual fluctuations of {S}. maderensis and {S}. aurita abundance are, respectively, driven by the precocity and the duration of the upwelling season that is attributed to distinct migration patterns. {B}oth sardinella species also respond with a delay of around 4 years to the winter {NAO} index and the autumn {CUI}, and the {AMO} index, respectively, both related to migration patterns. {T}he wide variations in sardinella biomass are caused by variations in environmental conditions, which should be considered in the implementation of an ecosystem-based approach in sardinella stocks management.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}isheries {O}ceanography}, volume = {26}, numero = {5}, pages = {583--601}, ISSN = {1054-6006}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/fog.12218}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070678}, }