@article{fdi:010070604, title = {{W}here are the trees outside forest in {B}razil ?}, author = {{F}oresta, {H}ubert de}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}rees outside forests ({T}o{F}) is often a misunderstood category. {T}his is the case in {B}razil as shown by the lack of data on {T}o{F} reported until now by the country. {I}n this article, {T}o{F} are understood in relation to the {FAO} definition of forest because it is the definition used in {B}razil for the {N}ational {F}orest {I}nventory. {I} provide a definition of {T}o{F}, detail the main sets as inferred from this definition, propose to focus on a category of {T}o{F} as an efficient and realistic first step towards the assessment of {T}o{F} countrywide, and {I} illustrate the diversity of {T}o{F}-based systems in {B}razil, from relatively isolated trees in agroforestry fields to dense mixed tree formations that cannot be distinguished from forests on satellite images. {A} recent publication has placed {B}razil as the world leader in terms of the total biomass carbon stored by one {T}o{F} set, trees on agricultural land. {T}his result could stimulate the desire for {B}razil to better assess not only trees on agricultural land but also trees on urban land, the two major sets of trees outside forests. {T}he present paper can help those who will undertake this challenging and exciting task.}, keywords = {{ARBRE} ; {INVENTAIRE} {DE} {VEGETATION} ; {PHYTOGEOGRAPHIE} ; {TERRE} {AGRICOLE} ; {ZONE} {PERIURBAINE} ; {EVALUATION} ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}esquisa {F}lorestal {B}rasileira}, volume = {37}, numero = {91}, pages = {393--401}, ISSN = {1983-2605}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.4336/2017.pfb.37.91.1390}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070604}, }