@article{fdi:010070579, title = {{R}esponse of soil microbial properties to long-term application of organic and inorganic amendments in a tropical soil ({S}aria, {B}urkina {F}aso)}, author = {{D}iallo-{D}iagne, {N}.{H}. and {A}ssigbets{\'e}, {K}omi and {S}all, {S}. and {M}asse, {D}ominique and {B}onzi, {M}. and {N}doye, {I}. and {C}hotte, {J}ean-{L}uc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil microbial biomass carbon ({MBC}), β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase and fluorescein diacetate ({FDA}) activities and bacterial community structure were assessed in a long-term (26 years) experiment, at physiological stages of sorghum growth, comparing different management methods for organic (manure, straw residues) and inorganic (urea) amendments at the {INERA} field station in {S}aria ({B}urkina {F}aso). {A}nnual application of manure led to the highest soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities. {I}nvestigations indicated that only microbial biomass and β-glucosidase activities were affected during the cropping season. {P}hosphatase and {FDA} enzyme activities did not depend on the crop development stages. {T}he application of {N} fertilizer modified phosphatase and {FDA} enzyme activities, the activities being higher in soils amended with {N} fertilizer. {T}he bacterial community structure was analyzed by {PCR}-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ({PCR}-{DGGE}) targeting the eubacterial 16{S} r{RNA} gene. {C}luster analysis of {PCR}-{DGGE} patterns showed two major clusters, the first containing the mineral fertilization and straw treatments and the second, the straw + urea, manure and manure + urea treatments. {S}orghum grain yields were the highest for manure treatments. {I}n this long-term experiment, applying straw did not produce a better grain yield than that obtained in the un-amended plot.}, keywords = {{FERTILITE} {DU} {SOL} ; {MICROBIOLOGIE} {DU} {SOL} ; {MATIERE} {ORGANIQUE} ; {ENGRAIS} {MINERAL} ; {BIOMASSE} ; {BURKINA} {FASO} ; {ZONE} {SOUDANOSAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}pen {J}ournal of {S}oil {S}cience}, volume = {6}, numero = {6}, pages = {21--33}, ISSN = {2162-5360}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.4236/ojss.2016.62003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070579}, }