@article{fdi:010070537, title = {{S}low decomposition of leaf litter from mature {F}agus sylvatica trees promotes offspring nitrogen acquisition by interacting with ectomycorrhizal fungi}, author = {{T}rap, {J}ean and {A}pka-{V}inceslas, {M}. and {M}argerie, {P}. and {B}oudsocq, {S}. and {R}ichard, {F}. and {D}eca{\¨e}ns, {T}. and {A}ubert, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}eaf litter chemistry and ectomycorrhizal ({ECM}) fungi are key drivers of the below-ground nitrogen ({N}) cycling within forest ecosystems. {T}heir combined effects on litter decomposition and {N} competition between microbial decomposers and plants are still uncertain. {W}e conducted a glasshouse microcosm experiment with low or high {ECM}-colonized beech ({F}agus sylvatica) saplings, growing with litter collected from old or young beech trees growing on the same loamy soil. {A}fter 6months of growth, we investigated litter decomposition rates, microbial respiration and the {N} pools within leaf litter, soil (different pools), microbial and plant shoot biomass. {W}e found that the mass loss of the litter from young trees was always higher than the litter from the mature trees. {T}he microbial biomass {N} per unit soil carbon was low when the litter, especially from mature trees, was added, suggesting that the litter provided recalcitrant compounds and limited soil microbial activity. {I}n contrast to the {G}adgil effect' hypothesis, the high {ECM}-colonized roots increased the litter decomposition rate and {N} immobilization in poorly decomposable litter in comparison with the litter incubated with the low {ECM}-colonized roots. {F}inally, the high {ECM}-colonized plants that received the poorly decomposable leaf litter exhibited the highest shoot {N} amount and biomass and were associated with the lowest microbial biomass {N}. {T}wo-way anovas revealed that litter and {ECM} fungi occurrence together impacted final particulate organic {N}, microbial biomass {N}, the amount of shoot {N} and shoot biomass. {F}our {N} pools are key drivers of microbial biomass {N} and shoot {N}: particulate organic {N}, total {N}, soil ammonium concentration and litter {N} concentration. {S}ynthesis. {O}ur results support the hypothesis that poorly decomposable leaf litter produced by mature beech trees and {ECM} fungi together decrease microbial {N} immobilization but increase tree {N} acquisition. {I}ncreasing {N} retention within the recalcitrant {N} forms in soil was identified as a key mechanism by which beech alters soil {N} cycling with potential positive feedbacks on its acquisition by the plant. {O}ur result emphasizes the importance of considering within-species litter-trait variability in litter decomposition.}, keywords = {{FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}cology}, volume = {105}, numero = {2}, pages = {528--539}, ISSN = {0022-0477}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/1365-2745.12665}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070537}, }