@article{fdi:010070531, title = {{C}oseismic displacement field and slip distribution of the 2005 {K}ashmir earthquake from {SAR} amplitude image correlation and differential interferometry}, author = {{Y}an, {Y}. and {P}inel, {V}irginie and {T}rouve, {E}. and {P}athier, {E}. and {P}errin, {J}. and {B}ascou, {P}. and {J}ouanne, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he coseismic surface displacement field and slip distribution at depth due to the {K}ashmir earthquake ({M}-w = 7.6, 2005) have been analysed by different authors using subpixel correlation of synthetic aperture radar ({SAR}) images and optical images, teleseismic analysis, {GPS} measurements, as well as in situ field measurements. {I}n this paper, first, we use 23 sets of measurement from subpixel correlation of {SAR} images and differential interferometry to retrieve the 3-{D} coseismic surface displacement field. {T}he obtained horizontal and vertical components along the fault trace are then compared, respectively, to equivalent measurements obtained from subpixel correlation of two optical {ASTER} images and in situ field measurements. {S}econd, the coseismic fault geometry parameters and slip distribution at depth are estimated. {I}n addition to the one segment slip model as reported in previous work, a two segments slip model that better fits the surface fault break is proposed. {T}he improvement of the two segments slip model in interpreting the measured displacement field is highlighted through comparison of residuals of both slip models. {T}aking advantage of differential interferometry measurements that provide precise and continuous information in the far field of the fault, firstly, a wedge thrust according to {B}endick et al. to the {N}orthwest of the main rupture built on our two segments model is tested. {A}ccording to the obtained results, the residual of the two segments main rupture plus wedge thrust model is slightly smaller than the residual of the two segments model to the {N}orthwest of the {B}alakot-{B}agh fault. {S}econdly, we test the sensitivity of our slip model to the presence of slip along a decollement as evidenced by {J}ouanne et al. through post-seismic analysis. {T}he results indicate that the estimations of the coseismic displacement field and slip distribution in this paper are not significantly biased by such post-seismic displacement and that most coseismic displacement is located on a similar to 40 degrees {NE}-dipping fault, as previously reported.}, keywords = {{I}mage processing ; {E}arthquake ground motions ; {D}ynamics and mechanics of faulting ; {PAKISTAN} ; {INDE} ; {AFGHANISTAN} ; {CACHEMIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {J}ournal {I}nternational}, volume = {193}, numero = {1}, pages = {29--46}, ISSN = {0956-540{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1093/gji/ggs102}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070531}, }