@incollection{fdi:010070505, title = {{D}ata assimilation for the monitoring of continental surfaces}, author = {{J}arlan, {L}. and {B}oulet, {G}illes}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his chapter presents the basis of data assimilation by limiting the mathematical developments as much as possible. {I}t emphasizes the data assimilation of remote sensing observations in land surface models, although the assimilation techniques presented can be applied to different kinds of dynamical models. {T}he chapter considers three documents to be benchmarks in their respective fields for anyone who wishes to study them in greater depth. {T}hey are as follows: dynamic modeling of natural land surfaces, methodological aspects of data assimilation, and data assimilation applications to hydrology. {T}he chapter introduces different elements of an assimilation system, including a few insights into the dynamic modeling of natural surfaces. {D}ata assimilation and parameter identification, as well as their foundations, are presented from a theoretical point of view. {F}inally, the chapter describes more practical aspects of data assimilation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {{R}emote sensing imagery}, numero = {}, pages = {283--319}, address = {{L}ondres ({GBR}) ; {H}oboken}, publisher = {{ISTE} ; {W}iley}, series = {{D}igital {S}ignal and {I}mage {P}rocessing}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/9781118899106.ch11}, ISBN = {978-1-84821-508-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070505}, }