@article{fdi:010070372, title = {{I}mpact of metal stress on the production of secondary metabolites in {P}teris vittata {L}. and associated rhizosphere bacterial communities}, author = {{H}oang {N}am {P}ham, and {M}ichalet, {S}. and {B}odillis, {J}. and {T}ien {D}at {N}guyen, and {T}hi {K}ieu {O}anh {N}guyen, and {T}hi {P}huong {Q}uynh {L}e, and {H}addad, {M}ohamed and {N}azaret, {S}. and {D}ijoux-{F}ranca, {M}. {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}lants adapt to metal stress by modifying their metabolism including the production of secondary metabolites in plant tissues. {S}uch changes may impact the diversity and functions of plant associated microbial communities. {O}ur study aimed to evaluate the influence of metals on the secondary metabolism of plants and the indirect impact on rhizosphere bacterial communities. {W}e then compared the secondary metabolites of the hyperaccumulator {P}teris vittata {L}. collected from a contaminated mining site to a non-contaminated site in {V}ietnam and identified the discriminant metabolites. {O}ur data showed a significant increase in chlorogenic acid derivatives and {A}-type procyanidin in plant roots at the contaminated site. {W}e hypothesized that the intensive production of these compounds could be part of the antioxidant defense mechanism in response to metals. {I}n parallel, the structure and diversity of bulk soil and rhizosphere communities was studied using high-throughput sequencing. {T}he results showed strong differences in bacterial composition, characterized by the dominance of {P}roteobacteria and {N}itrospira in the contaminated bulk soil, and the enrichment of some potential human pathogens, i.e., {A}cinetobacter, {M}ycobacterium, and {C}upriavidus in {P}. vittata's rhizosphere at the mining site. {O}verall, metal pollution modified the production of {P}. vittata secondary metabolites and altered the diversity and structure of bacterial communities. {F}urther investigations are needed to understand whether the plant recruits specific bacteria to adapt to metal stress.}, keywords = {{B}acterial communities ; {M}etal stress ; {P}teris vittata ; {R}hizosphere ; {S}econdary metabolites ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {24}, numero = {20}, pages = {16735--16750}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-017-9167-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070372}, }