@article{fdi:010070369, title = {{T}rends in {DNA} methylation with age replicate across diverse human populations}, author = {{G}opalan, {S}. and {C}arja, {O}. and {F}agny, {M}. and {P}atin, {E}. and {M}yrick, {J}. {W}. and {M}c{E}wen, {L}. {M}. and {M}ah, {S}. {M}. and {K}obor, {M}. {S}. and {F}roment, {A}lain and {F}eldman, {M}. {W}. and {Q}uintana-{M}urci, {L}. and {H}enn, {B}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ging is associated with widespread changes in genome-wide patterns of {DNA} methylation. {T}housands of {C}p{G} sites whose tissue-specific methylation levels are strongly correlated with chronological age have been previously identified. {H}owever, the majority of these studies have focused primarily on cosmopolitan populations living in the developed world; it is not known if age-related patterns of {DNA} methylation at these loci are similar across a broad range of human genetic and ecological diversity. {W}e investigated genome-wide methylation patterns using saliva-and whole blood-derived {DNA} from two traditionally hunting and gathering {A}frican populations: the {B}aka of the western {C}entral {A}frican rain forest and the not equal {K}homani {S}an of the {S}outh {A}frican {K}alahari {D}esert. {W}e identified hundreds of {C}p{G} sites whose methylation levels are significantly associated with age, thousands that are significant in a meta-analysis, and replicate trends previously reported in populations of non-{A}frican descent. {W}e confirmed that an age-associated site in the promoter of the gene {ELOVL}2 shows a remarkably congruent relationship with aging in humans, despite extensive genetic and environmental variation across populations. {W}e also demonstrate that genotype state at methylation quantitative trait loci (me{QTL}s) can affect methylation trends at some age-associated {C}p{G} sites. {O}ur study explores the relationship between {C}p{G} methylation and chronological age in populations of {A}frican hunter-gatherers, who rely on different diets across diverse ecologies. {W}hile many age-related {C}p{G} sites replicate across populations, we show that considering common genetic variation at me{QTL}s further improves our ability to detect previously identified age associations.}, keywords = {{DNA} methylation ; aging ; epigenetics ; diverse human populations ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {GABON} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enetics}, volume = {206}, numero = {3}, pages = {1659--1674}, ISSN = {0016-6731}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1534/genetics.116.195594}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070369}, }