@article{fdi:010070367, title = {{U}sing otolith organic matter to detect diet shifts in {B}ardiella chrysoura, during a period of environmental changes}, author = {{S}irot, {C}. and {G}ronkjaer, {P}. and {P}edersen, {J}. {B}. and {P}anfili, {J}acques and {Z}etina-{R}ejon, {M}. and {T}ripp-{V}aldez, {A}. and {R}amos-{M}iranda, {J}. and {F}lores-{H}ernandez, {D}. and {S}osa-{L}opez, {A}. and {D}arnaude, {A}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ccurate knowledge on fish trophic ecology and its modifications is crucial for understanding the impact of global change on ecosystems. {I}n this context, we investigated the value of the delta {C}-13 and delta {N}-15 of otolith soluble organic matter ({SOM}) for identifying temporal diet shifts in {A}merican silver perch {B}airdiella chrysoura over a 30-yr period characterized by strong changes in its population size and habitats within the {T}erminos {L}agoon ({M}exico). {W}e first compared the otolith {SOM} isotopic signatures from present-clay adults to those of muscle and the main local prey. {O}ur results suggest that otolith {SOM} can be confidently extracted and analyzed for both present and past otoliths of this species. {T}he mean otolith {SOM} signatures obtained (-15.92 +/- 1.35%, for delta {C}-13 and 9.38 +/- 0.93%, for delta {N}-15) were consistent with those of the diet as 85% of the individual signatures were included within the prey isotopic niche area. {M}oreover, this study supports a trophic enrichment factor between diet and otolith ({TEF}diet-otolith) close to 0 for delta {N}-15, while for delta {C}-13, the {TEF}ololith-muscle of +0.02% warrants further investigation. {T}hen, we compared past and contemporary otolith {SOM} signatures to investigate temporal diet shifts in {B}. chrysoura. {T}his showed that 613{C} and delta {N}-15 differed significantly between the past and present period even if the temporal shift remained relatively small (respectively +1.17%, and 0.55%). {T}he present study substantiates the use of otolith {SOM} delta {C}-13 and delta {N}-15 as a proxy of fish present and past trophic position, opening the possibility for major progress in studies of temporal changes in food web ecology.}, keywords = {{T}rophic ecology ; {S}table isotope analysis ; {C}oastal ecosystem ; {B}airdiella chrysoura ; {T}erminos {L}agoon ; {MEXIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {E}cology {P}rogress {S}eries}, volume = {575}, numero = {}, pages = {137--152}, ISSN = {0171-8630}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3354/meps12166}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070367}, }