@article{fdi:010070365, title = {{P}hylogeography of the small indian civet and origin of introductions to {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean islands}, author = {{G}aubert, {P}hilippe and {P}atel, {R}. {P}. and {V}eron, {G}. and {G}oodman, {S}. {M}. and {W}illsch, {M}. and {V}asconcelos, {R}. and {L}ourenco, {A}. and {S}igaud, {M}. and {J}usty, {F}. and {J}oshi, {B}. {D}. and {F}ickel, {J}. and {W}ilting, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he biogeographic dynamics affecting the {I}ndian subcontinent, {E}ast and {S}outheast {A}sia during the {P}lio-{P}leistocene has generated complex biodiversity patterns. {W}e assessed the molecular biogeography of the small {I}ndian civet ({V}iverricula indica) through mitogenome and cytochrome b + control region sequencing of 89 historical and modern samples to (1) establish a time-calibrated phylogeography across the species' native range and (2) test introduction scenarios to western {I}ndian {O}cean islands. {B}ayesian phylogenetic analyses identified 3 geographic lineages ({E}ast {A}sia, sister-group to {S}outheast {A}sia and the {I}ndian subcontinent + northern {I}ndochina) diverging 3.2-2.3 million years ago ({M}ya), with no clear signature of past demographic expansion. {W}ithin {S}outheast {A}sia, {B}alinese populations separated from the rest 2.6-1.3 {M}ya. {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean populations were assigned to the {I}ndian subcontinent + northern {I}ndochina lineage and had the lowest mitochondrial diversity. {A}pproximate {B}ayesian computation did not distinguish between single versus multiple introduction scenarios. {T}he early diversification of the small {I}ndian civet was likely shaped by humid periods in the {L}ate {P}liocene-{E}arly {P}leistocene that created evergreen rainforest barriers, generating areas of intra-specific endemism in the {I}ndian subcontinent, {E}ast, and {S}outheast {A}sia. {L}ater, {P}leistocene dispersals through drier conditions in {S}outh and {S}outheast {A}sia were likely, giving rise to the species' current natural distribution. {O}ur molecular data supported the delineation of only 4 subspecies in {V}. indica, including an endemic {B}alinese lineage. {O}ur study also highlighted the influence of prefirst millennium {AD} introductions to western {I}ndian {O}cean islands, with {I}ndian and/or {A}rab traders probably introducing the species for its civet oil.}, keywords = {{A}sia ; biogeography ; civet oil ; mt{DNA} ; {P}lio-{P}leistocene ; {V}iverridae ; {ASIE} {DU} {SUD} {EST} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}eredity}, volume = {108}, numero = {3}, pages = {270--279}, ISSN = {0022-1503}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1093/jhered/esw085}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070365}, }