@article{fdi:010070364, title = {{P}hylogeny and systematics of {A}frican {M}elastomateae ({M}elastomataceae)}, author = {{V}eranso-{L}ibalah, {M}. {C}. and {S}tone, {R}. {D}. and {F}ongod, {A}. {G}. {N}. and {C}ouvreur, {T}homas and {K}adereit, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}elastomateae are the most species-rich (185 spp./13 gen.) and morphologically diverse tribe within the {A}frican {M}elastomataceae. {I}n this study we present the first in-depth phylogenetic analysis of {A}frican {M}elastomateae using sequences generated from one nuclear (nr{ITS}) and two plastid spacers (acc{D}-psa{I}, psb{K}-psb{L}) sampling 183 accessions representing 75 {A}frican, 10 {M}adagascan and 7 {A}sian species and a broad outgroup sampling. {W}e infer phylogenetic relationships using maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and {B}ayesian approaches and propose a revised generic classification of {A}frican {M}elastomateae based on our molecular trees in combination with a careful reassessment of morphological variation. {O}ur phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of {O}ld {W}orld {M}elastomateae except {D}inophora which clearly falls outside {M}elastomateae. {A}sian and {M}adagascan endemic genera of {M}elastomateae are nested among the {A}frican genera. {O}f the {A}frican genera only two monophyletic groups, {D}ichaetanthera and {T}ristemma, are recovered in addition to the monospecific {P}seudosbeckia lineage, while {A}ntherotoma, {D}issotis and {H}eterotis as currently circumscribed are polyphyletic. {H}owever, the subgenera and sections of these genera are mostly recovered as morphologically distinct and molecularly well-supported clades. {I}somorphism versus dimorphism of the stamens is found to be an unreliable character when delimiting genera in {M}elastomateae. {W}e propose the reinstatement of {A}rgyrella and {D}upineta, a new status at generic rank for {D}issotis subg. {D}issotidendron, a broadened circumscription of {G}uyonia (to include the species previously placed in {H}eterotis sect. {C}yclostemma), and description of a new, monospecific genus {A}naheterotis for the {H}eterotis pobeguinii lineage. {H}eterotis is maintained at generic rank but with a narrower circumscription in comparison to earlier treatments. {W}e accommodate the rare {O}sbeckia porteresii lineage from {M}t. {N}imba ({G}uinea) within an expanded {M}elastomastrum. {T}o complete our generic realignment, a total of 42 new combinations are effected at the species level and below, and a key is provided for the 12 genera presently recognised in {A}frican {M}elastomateae. {D}enser taxonomic sampling and sequencing of more loci will be needed to resolve relationships within the large clade of {D}issotis s. str. and allies (including {A}ntherotoma as well as three {W}est {A}frican species erroneously placed in the otherwise {A}sian {O}sbeckia).}, keywords = {{A}frica ; {D}issotis ; {H}eterotis ; {M}elastomataceae ; {M}elastomateae ; molecular phylogenetics ; systematics ; taxonomy ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}axon}, volume = {66}, numero = {3}, pages = {584--614}, ISSN = {0040-0262}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.12705/663.5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070364}, }