@article{fdi:010070330, title = {{T}he {A}rabidopsis guard cell outward potassium channel {GORK} is regulated by {CPK}33}, author = {{C}orratge-{F}aillie, {C}. and {R}onzier, {E}. and {S}anchez, {F}. and {P}rado, {K}. and {K}im, {J}. {H}. and {L}anciano, {S}ophie and {L}eonhardt, {N}. and {L}acombe, {B}. and {X}iong, {T}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} complex signaling network involving voltage-gated potassium channels from the {S}haker family contributes to the regulation of stomatal aperture. {S}everal kinases and phosphatases have been shown to be crucial for {ABA}-dependent regulation of the ion transporters. {T}o date, the {C}a2+-dependent regulation of {S}haker channels by {C}a2+-dependent protein kinases ({CPK}s) is still elusive. {A} functional screen in {X}enopus oocytes was launched to identify such {CPK}s able to regulate the three main guard cell {S}haker channels {KAT}1, {KAT}2, and {GORK}. {S}even guard cell {CPK}s were tested and multiple {CPK}/{S}haker couples were identified. {F}urther work on {CPK}33 indicates that {GORK} activity is enhanced by {CPK}33 and unaffected by a nonfunctional {CPK}33 ({CPK}33-{K}102{M}). {F}urthermore, {C}a2+-induced stomatal closure is impaired in two cpk33 mutant plants.}, keywords = {arabidopsis ; {CPK}s ; guard cells ; oocytes ; shaker {K}+ channels ; voltage ; clamp}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{FEBS} {L}etters}, volume = {591}, numero = {13}, pages = {1982--1992}, ISSN = {1873-3468}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1002/1873-3468.12687}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070330}, }