@article{fdi:010070321, title = {{T}axonomic revision of the {A}frican genera {B}rieya and {P}iptostigma ({A}nnonaceae)}, author = {{G}hogue, {J}. {P}. and {S}onke, {B}. and {C}ouvreur, {T}homas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground and aims - {A}nnonaceae are an important family in tropical rain forests of {A}frica. {H}ere, we present a revision of the west-central {A}frican genus {P}iptostigma of the tribe {P}iptostigmateae. {P}revious molecular phylogenetic analyses of {P}iptostigmateae have revealed that the genus as currently circumscribed is paraphyletic. {T}he aims of the article are: (1) to clarify the generic delimitation of the genus {P}iptostigma, especially in relation to its current polyphyletic delimitation; (2) to provide a new updated key to the genera of tribe {P}iptostigmateae; and (3) to provide for the first time in over 100 years a complete taxonomic revision of genera {B}rieya and {P}iptostigma. {M}aterial and methods - {N}ormal practices of herbarium taxonomy were used for the morphological study of about 200 specimens from {B}, {BR}, {BRLU}, {G}, {HBG}, {K}, {L}, {LBV}, {LISC}, {MO}, {P}, {U}, {US}, {WAG}, {YA} and {Z}. {W}e sequenced three plastid regions for 32 samples representing 26 ingroup ({P}iptostigmateae) and six outgroup species in order to explore the paraphyly of {P}iptostisma. {T}he open source software {QG}is was used to generate the distribution maps of the species and their conservation status was obtained using the {IUCN} categories and criteria. {K}ey results - {M}olecular and morphological evidence support the reinstatement of the genus {B}rieya {D}e {W}ild. {T}hree keys are presented, one to the genera of {P}iptostigmateae and the two others to the species of {B}rieya and {P}iptostigma. {A} total of thirteen species are described for {P}iptostigma and two for the genus {B}rieya. {F}our new species are presented for the genus {P}iptostigma: {P}. macrophyllum, {P}. mayndongtsaeanum, {P}. goslineanum and {P}. submontanum.}, keywords = {{A}nnonaceae ; {P}iptostigma ; {B}rieya ; taxonomy ; tropical {A}frica ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {E}cology and {E}volution}, volume = {150}, numero = {2}, pages = {173--216}, ISSN = {2032-3913}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.5091/plecevo.2017.1137}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070321}, }