@article{fdi:010070311, title = {{G}enetic diversity of symbiotic {P}araburkholderia species isolated from nodules of {M}imosa pudica ({L}.) and {P}haseolus vulgaris ({L}.) grown in soils of the {B}razilian {A}tlantic {F}orest ({M}ata {A}tlantica)}, author = {{D}all' {A}gnol, {R}. {F}. and {B}ournaud, {C}. and de {F}aria, {S}. {M}. and {B}{\'e}na, {G}illes and {M}oulin, {L}ionel and {H}ungria, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ome species of the genus {P}araburkholderia that are able to nodulate and fix nitrogen in symbiosis with legumes are called beta-rhizobia and represent a group of ecological and biotechnological importance. {W}e used {M}imosa pudica and {P}haseolus vulgaris to trap 427 rhizobial isolates from rhizospheric soil of {M}imoseae trees in the {B}razilian {A}tlantic {F}orest. {E}ighty-four representative strains were selected according to the 16{S} r{RNA} haplotypes and taxonomically characterized using a concatenated 16{S} r{RNA}-rec{A} phylogeny. {M}ost strains were assembled in the genus {P}araburkholderia, including {P}araburkholderia sabiae and {P}a. nodosa. {M}esorhizobium (alpha-rhizobia) and {C}upriavidus (beta-rhizobia) were also isolated, but in smaller proportions. {M}ultilocus sequence analysis and {BOX}-{PCR} analyses indicated that six clusters of {P}araburkholderia represent potential new species. {I}n the phylogenetic analysis of the nod{C} gene, the majority of the strains were positioned in the same groups as in the 16{S} r{RNA}-rec{A} tree, indicative of stability and vertical inheritance, but we also identified horizontal transfer of nod{C} in {P}a. sabiae. {A}ll alpha- and beta-rhizobial species were trapped by both legumes, although preferences of the host plants for specific rhizobial species have been observed.}, keywords = {biological nitrogen fixation ; diazotrophic bacteria ; beta-rhizobia ; phylogeny ; nodulation ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{FEMS} {M}icrobiology {E}cology}, volume = {93}, numero = {4}, pages = {fix027 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {0168-6496}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1093/femsec/fix027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070311}, }