@article{fdi:010070290, title = {{P}ioneer study of population genetics of {R}hodnius ecuadoriensis ({H}emiptera : {R}eduviidae) from the central coastand southern {A}ndean regions of {E}cuador}, author = {{V}illacis, {A}. {G}. and {M}arcet, {P}. {L}. and {Y}umiseva, {C}. {A}. and {D}otson, {E}. {M}. and {T}ibayrenc, {M}ichel and {B}reni{\`e}re, {S}imone {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}rique and {G}rijalva, {M}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}ffective control of {C}hagas disease vector populations requires a good understanding of the epidemiological components, including a reliable analysis of the genetic structure of vector populations. {R}hodnius ecuadoriensis is the most widespread vector of {C}hagas disease in {E}cuador, occupying domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats. {I}t is widely distributed in the central coast and southern highlands regions of {E}cuador, two very different regions in terms of bio-geographical characteristics. {T}o evaluate the genetic relationship among {R}. ecuadoriensis populations in these two regions, we analyzed genetic variability at two microsatellite loci for 326 specimens (n = 122 in {M}anabi and n = 204 in {L}oja) and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene ({C}yt b) sequences for 174 individuals collected in the two provinces (n - 73 and - 101 in {M}anabi and {L}oja respectively). {T}he individual samples were grouped in populations according to their community of origin. {A} few populations presented positive {F}-{IS}, possible due to {W}ahlund effect. {S}ignificant pairwise differentiation was detected between populations within each province for both genetic markers, and the isolation by distance model was significant for these populations. {M}icrosatellite markers showed significant genetic differentiation between the populations of the two provinces. {T}he partial sequences of the {C}yt b gene (578 bp) identified a total of 34 haplotypes among 174 specimens sequenced, which translated into high haplotype diversity ({H}d = 0.929). {T}he haplotype distribution differed among provinces (significant {F}isher's exact test). {O}verall, the genetic differentiation of {R}. ecuadoriensis between provinces detected in this study is consistent with the biological and phenotypic differences previously observed between {M}anabi and {L}oja populations. {T}he current phylogenetic analysis evidenced the monophyly of the populations of {R}. ecuadoriensis within the {R}. pallescens species complex; {R}. pallescens and {R}. colombiensis were more closely related than they were to {R}. ecuadoriensis.}, keywords = {{C}hagas disease ; {R}hodnius pallescens species complex ; {R}hodnius ecuadoriensis ; {E}cuador ; {P}opulation genetics ; {M}icrosatellite markers ; {C}ytochrome b ; {P}anmictic unit ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {53}, numero = {}, pages = {116--127}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2017.05.019}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070290}, }