@article{fdi:010070289, title = {{R}egional downscaling of {M}editerranean droughts under past and future climatic conditions}, author = {{H}ertig, {E}. and {T}ramblay, {Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he complexity of the {M}editerranean climate with its high precipitation variability and its unequal seasonal distribution with a wet season from approximately {O}ctober to {A}pril and a dry season in summer set general conditions for a high vulnerability of the {M}editerranean area to droughts. {I}n the last few decades the risk of drought episodes appears to be enhanced in the {M}editerranean area due to temperature increases combined with precipitation decreases. {T}his general change towards warmer and dryer conditions is expected to continue in the future. {I}n the present study droughts are represented by the {S}tandardized {P}recipitation {I}ndex ({SPI}), at 114 stations located across the {M}editerranean area. {T}he {SPI} is a normalized measure of drought severity relative to a specific location, obtained from rainfall totals aggregated over different time periods. {T}his allows a comparison of different locations and the delineation of homogeneous regions with similar {SPI} variability. 13 regions have been identified. {A} downscaling approach using circulation types based on geopotential heights and relative humidity as predictors has been set up to downscale the {SPI} time series in the different regions. {T}he downscaling approach has been validated using running 21 years validation periods, in order to assess the skill of the method during different climatic conditions and to detect possible non-stationarities in the predictors-predictand relationships. {R}esults show that the downscaling method provided satisfactory results, except for the most arid regions. {F}uture projections, provided from a three member ensemble of the {MPI}-{ESM}-{LR} model under scenario {RCP} 8.5, indicate an increase in the drought severity and occurrence for the whole {M}editerranean region for the period 2070-2100.}, keywords = {{D}roughts ; {M}editerranean area ; {C}limate change ; {S}tatistical downscaling ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {{C}limate variability and change in the {M}editerranean region}, journal = {{G}lobal and {P}lanetary {C}hange}, volume = {151}, numero = {{N}o {S}pecial}, pages = {36--48}, ISSN = {0921-8181}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.glo{P}lacha.2016.10.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070289}, }