@article{fdi:010070237, title = {{E}valuation of the international standardized 24-h dietary recall methodology ({G}lobo{D}iet) for potential application in research and surveillance within {A}frican settings}, author = {{A}glago, {E}. {K}. and {L}andais, {E}dwige and {N}icolas, {G}. and {M}argetts, {B}. and {L}eclercq, {C}. and {A}llemand, {P}. and {A}deribigbe, {O}. and {A}gueh, {V}. {D}. and {A}muna, {P}. and {A}nnor, {G}. {A}. and {E}l {A}ti, {J}. and {C}oates, {J}. and {C}olaiezzi, {B}. and {C}ompaore, {E}. and {D}elisle, {H}. and {F}aber, {M}. and {F}ungo, {R}. and {G}ouado, {I}. and {E}l {H}amdouchi, {A}. and {H}ounkpatin, {W}. {A}. and {K}onan, {A}. {G}. and {L}abzizi, {S}. and {L}edo, {J}. and {M}ahachi, {C}. and {M}aruapula, {S}. {D}. and {M}athe, {N}. and {M}babazi, {M}. and {M}irembe, {M}. {W}. and {M}izehoun-{A}dissoda, {C}. and {N}zi, {C}. {D}. and {P}isa, {P}. {T}. and {E}l {R}hazi, {K}. and {Z}otor, {F}. and {S}limani, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {C}ollection of reliable and comparable individual food consumption data is of primary importance to better understand, control and monitor malnutrition and its related comorbidities in low- and middle-income countries ({LMIC}s), including in {A}frica. {T}he lack of standardised dietary tools and their related research support infrastructure remains a major obstacle to implement concerted and region-specific research and action plans worldwide. {C}iting the magnitude and importance of this challenge, the {I}nternational {A}gency for {R}esearch on {C}ancer ({IARC}/{WHO}) launched the "{G}lobal {N}utrition {S}urveillance initiative" to pilot test the use of a standardized 24-h dietary recall research tool ({G}lobo{D}iet), validated in {E}urope, in other regions. {I}n this regard, the development of the {G}lobo{D}iet-{A}frica can be optimised by better understanding of the local specific methodological needs, barriers and opportunities. {T}he study aimed to evaluate the standardized 24-h dietary recall research tool ({G}lobo{D}iet) as a possible common methodology for research and surveillance across {A}frica. {M}ethods: {A} consultative panel of {A}frican and international experts in dietary assessment participated in six e-workshop sessions. {T}hey completed an in-depth e-questionnaire to evaluate the {G}lobo{D}iet dietary methodology before and after participating in the e-workshop. {R}esults: {T}he 29 experts expressed their satisfaction on the potential of the software to address local specific needs when evaluating the main structure of the software, the stepwise approach for data collection and standardisation concept. {N}evertheless, additional information to better describe local foods and recipes, as well as particular culinary patterns (e.g. mortar pounding), were proposed. {F}urthermore, food quantification in shared-plates and -bowls eating situations and interviewing of populations with low literacy skills, especially in rural settings, were acknowledged as requiring further specific considerations and appropriate solutions. {C}onclusions: {A}n overall positive evaluation of the {G}lobo{D}iet methodology by both {A}frican and international experts, supports the flexibility and potential applicability of this tool in diverse {A}frican settings and sets a positive platform for improved dietary monitoring and surveillance. {F}ollowing this evaluation, prerequisite for future implementation and/or adaptation of {G}lobo{D}iet in {A}frica, rigorous and robust capacity building as well as knowledge transfer will be required to roadmap a stepwise approach to implement this methodology across pilot {A}frican countries/regions.}, keywords = {{G}lobo{D}iet ; {A}frica ; 24-h dietary recall ; {D}ietary assessment ; {S}tandardisation ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobalization and {H}ealth}, volume = {13}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 35 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {1744-8603}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1186/s12992-017-0260-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070237}, }