@article{fdi:010070222, title = {{M}olecular diversity and distribution of eastern {A}tlantic and {M}editerranean dogfishes {S}qualus highlight taxonomic issues in the genus}, author = {{V}erissimo, {A}. and {Z}aera-{P}erez, {D}. and {L}eslie, {R}. and {I}glesias, {S}. {P}. and {S}{\'e}ret, {B}ernard and {G}rigoriou, {P}. and {S}terioti, {A}. and {G}ubili, {C}. and {B}arria, {C}. and {D}uffy, {C}. and {H}ernandez, {S}. and {B}atjakas, {I}. {E}. and {G}riffiths, {A}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he alpha taxonomy of the globally distributed shark genus {S}qualus has been under intense investigation recently, and many new species have been described over the last decade. {H}owever, taxonomic uncertainty remains about several taxa. {W}ithout consistent nomenclature and the ability to reliably distinguish between the different {S}qualus species, basic data collection, downstream conservation and management efforts are seriously compromised. {T}o aid in clarifying the taxonomic status of {S}qualus species in the eastern {A}tlantic and {M}editerranean, we assessed species diversity at the molecular level and evaluated the consistency in species identification in the region. {S}amples from all nominal {S}qualus species recognized in the above regions were collected in an international effort and sequenced for regions of the mitochondrial {COI} and {ND}2 genes. {T}hese data were further analysed alongside publicly available sequences, including 19 of the 26 {S}qualus species globally recognized, to compare the regional genus-level diversity with that found elsewhere. {O}ur results confirm inconsistent species identification in the eastern {A}tlantic and {M}editerranean {S}qualus, particularly concerning {S}.blainville and {S}.megalops, and reinforce the need to revise the status of {S}.megalops and {S}.mitsukurii as they may include several distinct species distributed around the world. {T}he status of {S}.blainville is also discussed in the light of the current findings and its problematic taxonomic history.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} {EST} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}oologica {S}cripta}, volume = {46}, numero = {4}, pages = {414--428}, ISSN = {0300-3256}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/zsc.12224}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010070222}, }